family life

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In the days that followed, Jack and Ianto were adjusting to their new life pretty well. They had moved into their new house and they both loved it, they had decorated a nursery for the kids and each day they grew more and more in love with their children, cliche I know but it was true, neither of them could think of anything they could ever love more than the little children that had joined their lives. 


"oi Harkness" Owen shouted as he saw Jack enter the hub, Jack looked up to see where the sound had come from and saw Owen looking at him from his desk. 

"yes Owen" Jack said cheerily as he walked over to where Owen was sitting 

"what are we doing about this whole, extra staff person issue? We can't keep doing this with just the three of us, we're all working overtime and we're still miles behind, we need help" Owen said, tiredness present in his voice and it was clear he was fed up 

"That's actually what I have come to talk to you about, I have actually hired someone, two people actually, just for a bit, until we can get a nanny or something and figure out how to balance home and work life" said Jack 

"sorry you hired two people? without consulting us or anything" Owen said in a huff 

"well it might surprise you Owen but I am still the boss and I am free to employ who ever the fuck I like" Jack said harshly, he didnt mean for it to come across as rude as it sounded, but he was tired, he didnt realise two babies would be so exhausting and he just couldn't find it in him to have the patience for Owen right now. 

"huh. typical" Owen said under his breath as he started to walk away, stopping suddenly to turn around and shout back at Jack "and when exactly are these people meant to start? and who exactly is meant to train them?" 

"oh they should be on their way now, told them to get here at 7, and don't worry they are more than qualified for the job" replied Jack, trying to get his temper back under control. A few moments later the alarm sounded, notifying them that someone was entering the hub. Owen looked up and smiled, Jack may have went behind his back but boy did he employ the right people 

"Tosh, Gwen. Get in here" Jack shouted, waiting for them to come down to tell them the news as well. They both smiled as they saw who Jack and Owen were standing next to. 

"Guys, welcome back Miss Martha Jones, and well, of course the Doctor, they're going to be helping out whilst me and Ianto have a few weeks off with the kids" Every one gathered back around and the team caught up with Martha while Jack pulled the Doctor aside. 

"You're sure you are okay with this? And Donna as well?" Jack questioned 

"Jack how many times, it's fine, I'm happy to help, and Donna doesn't mind, she said she'll come and help on any field jobs if there's anything interesting but she's totally ruled out doing any paperwork so she's happy with staying with her mum and Grandad for a while, honestly Jack, enjoy you're family time, we've got this" The Doctor said smiling, and with that Jack said his goodbyes, put Owen in charge for the meantime and left the hub, ready to, for the first time ever, settle in to family life. 


Jack and Ianto looked down at the little children in front of them. Neither of them had been so scared and excited at the same time. Jack and Ianto had the job of shaping their future, of making sure they were safe and fed and clothed and above all loving them unconditionally.

"they're beautiful aren't they" Ianto said softly

"well they are when they're quiet" Jack replied, chuckling.

"Jack!" Ianto said, laughing lightly, gently punching Jack on his arm. Although he didn't want to say it out loud Jack did have a point, babies literally do not stop crying.

They had enjoyed their time together and had relaxed into family life better than they had expected, as if so far parenthood was natural, not that either of them wanted to jinx it, they were sure it was only going to get harder and harder. The day after the babies were born Gwen babysat for bit and Jack and Ianto went out to get a load of well needed baby things. They had a few basic things that Jack had bought but Jack had noticed that Ianto had felt left out when he was talking about buying things so they had decided to wait until the babies were born so Ianto would be able to walk around the shops and buy freely without freaking everyone out that a man was pregnant.

They had both enjoyed their shopping trips, picking up cute outfits, toys and prams but the best part of the day was coming home to their children, it was something new to the both of them and walking into their living room to see their beautiful little babies sitting with Gwen on the sofa was one the best feelings ever and the thought that there kids would always be there for them to come home to was just amazing. 

It was hard to believe what their life had become, Jack had never pictured himself settling down with a fiancé and a house and twins but he wouldn't have changed it for the world, he was happy and he had made it his life goal to make sure Ianto and his kids would always be happy too. 

"I love you, all of you" Jack said 

A/N hey guys, so I'm going to finish this story here because  I honestly don't know how to carry on with it and it seems pretty long haha, if I ever think of a story line maybe I'll do a sequel if anyone wants it haha. Thankyou soo much to anyone who read this and actually got to the end! Massive shoutout to Cattyroggers19, AlecBane19 and MisoSoup27 who have gave so much support in comments and votes etc. love you :) thanks for reading!! 

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