You have got to be kidding me

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Jack and Owen looked at each other for a while before Ianto got fed up of not being told what was wrong with his baby. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY BABY?"
"Well nothing is exactly wrong Ianto, actually Jack is quite excited he just doesn't know if you will be." Owen explained.
"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN. JUST TELL ME WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT!" Ianto screamed. Owen looked over at Jack. Jack looked over at Ianto and smiled softly.
"We're having twins." Said Jack excitedly.
"What! You have got to be kidding me!" Ianto spluttered. "There wasn't two last time!"
"Well there's two now" Owen said sarcastically. Ianto sat there staring at his stomach for a while as if something was about to pop out of it. "I can't believe it! Twins!" Ianto muttered. "Twins Jack! We're having twins!"

As Jack was about to reply, Jack, Owen, Ianto and tosh (who was at her workstation) heard the door to the hub opening and was greeted with a screaming Gwen. They all rushed up to go and see what the problem was, however they all soon figured out that Gwen was in no means scared or frightened. In fact she was screaming in excitement. "RHYS, RHYS HAS JUST, RHYS HAS JUST OH MY GOSH RYHS HAS JUST PROPOSED! RHYS FUCKING WILLIAMS HAS JUST PROPOSED TO ME! IM GETTING MARRIED!" Gwen squealed in excitement and a round of congratulations went around the hub and they all joined in for a massive group hug.
"So when is it?" Said Tosh.
"We don't know yet. But we're planning on doing it quickly. Rhys want to only invite a couple of people. You know friends and close family. So we're going to go through guest lists and things tonight." Gwen said happily. "I can't believe it though. I'm actually getting married."
"So let's see it then. Where's the ring?" Jack questioned. Gwen showed them all a stunning silver ring studded with little diamonds which were shining brightly in the light. Jack smiled as a thought came into his head. Could he do it?

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now