It's what the scan shows.

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"Unbelievable" whispered Owen.
"What?" said Jack and Ianto at the same time.
"You're. You're um well you're pregnant." said Owen quite uncomfortably.
"WHAT!?" spluttered Ianto.
"Are you sure?" Jack asked
"Quite sure" replied Owen. "All the signs have led up to it, the cravings for oranges, the dislike of the smell of coffee, the dizziness and being sick in the mornings not forgetting the slight putting on of weight. and the ultrasound says it all. Ianto you're pregnant"
"But... how?" Said Ianto " I mean I'm a man how can I be pregnant?"
"Well I don't know that yet but I'm intending on finding out. In the mean time I'm going to say that you're about 3 and half months."
"Oh my god" Jack said suddenly. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. How could I be so stupid?!" Jack nearly shouted as he jumped up from his chair which was placed next to the bed which Ianto was lying on so Jack could hold his hand.
"What?" Said Ianto and Owen both at the same time.
But Jack didn't answer them instead he ran up the stairs of the medical bay and up into his office leaving Ianto and Owen confused.

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now