Full blood

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The Doctor landed the Tardis exactly 30 seconds after they left earlier so no one would notice that they had ever left. The doctor and Donna stayed in the Tardis while Jack went in to the torchwood kitchen to make ianto a full English breakfast and a cup of tea in bed.

After a while (quite long while as Jack kept burning everything) Jack was just finishing Iantos breakfast when Owen, Gwen and Tosh came strolling in. Jack greeted them hello and started to walk up to his bunker where Ianto was sleeping. Jack thought Ianto would have been up by now with all the noise he was making but thought that the baby inside of him must be making him tired and that he needed more sleep.

Jack quietly opened the door still holding all of iantos breakfast and his cup of tea and saw that Ianto was still laying in bed he put down the breakfast on the side and went over to Ianto to gently wake him up, however ianto was deadly pale and very cold "Ianto baby?" Jack said softly worry present in his voice. "Can you hear me?" But Ianto remained silent. "OWEN!!!" Jack bellowed from his bunker loud enough for all of Cardiff to hear let alone Owen. In seconds Owen was down with Jack and Ianto carrying bags and bags of the rest of jacks blood. He went straight over to Ianto and started filling the large needles up with Jacks blood ready to stick into Ianto. "I thought this would happen sooner or later" said Owen. "What would happen?" Jack said not picking up what was happening as quickly as he normally would as he was full of worry for Ianto.
"He's lost all of his own blood." Said Owen simply. "It's time for him to be full with only your blood" Owen continued.

5 minutes later Owen had injected all of jacks blood into him however Ianto was still very pale and cold. "Why isn't it working?" Asked Jack?
"I'm not sure it should!" Owen said angrily. Then all of a sudden Ianto started to glow a beautiful shining gold which sparkled around his body for a while. All of a sudden the gold shine disappeared and Iantos eyes shot open "Ianto!" Jack said relieved. "Are you okay? Do you feel alright?" Jack asked.
"Um yeah I feel good actually but do you know what?" Ianto said
"What?" Jack asked
"I'm very hungry" Ianto said noticing the plate of food on the side.
"Good thing I made breakfast then!" Jack said cheekily.

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