Healing (Rated Mature)

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A/N R/18 Mature smutty stuff. Wrote this with about 23 drinks down me at 3:30 in the morning doing karaoke with my boyfriend and his mates and was going to delete it when I woke up the next morning and discovered what I'd written in the night but thought "what the hell, drunk me obviously liked it" 😂 so uh I'll guess we'll see how it goes, sorry if its shit and none of you want to read it haha. If smutty (explicit) sex stuff isn't your thing just skip the second half of this chapter ;) (Also contains some basic swear words)

One of the perks about working at Torchwood was the alien technology and being the boss meant not needing permission to use said technology.

Ianto was sore after the c section, as one would expect. Jack looked over at his fiancé, laying on the bed, squirming at the pain in his stomach. He was tired, Jack could tell. Dark circles surrounded Iantos eyes, he was pale and he was getting more out of breath as the time went on, as the pain meds wore off and the pain increased.

The babies had only been in the world around 12 hours and already they were both worn out; the crying, the feeding, the nappies. But that was okay, they'd be exhausted for their babies, because they were their babies and Jack and Ianto already loved them more than anything, they'd sacrifice the world twice over for them.

Ianto was in pain though, and that, unlike tiredness, was something that Jack could fix. Owen had found it a couple of years ago, a cream that could heal any wound. Jack had told the others it was off limits, that it shouldn't be used unless it was life or death but Jack was the boss and he could go against his own rules, right?

Jack thought Iantos C section cut would have healed itself by now, Ianto had become immortal just like Jack, and little cuts and scrapes Ianto had accumulated recently had healed itself almost instantly but this was taking longer, Jack put it down to the extreme amount of stress Iantos body had been under recently and he wanted to help with that, help take some of the stress and pain off of him.

"Here, have some of this" Jack said, walking over to Ianto with the cream. Ianto opened his eyes and smiled weakly at Jack, watching as he spread a thin layer of the cream over the cut. They both watched a small gold glow shined from the cut as slowly but surely it healed over.

"Thankyou Jack" Ianto said smiling, his fingers grazing softly over where the cut just was.

"Anything for you" Jack replied softly, his fingers interlocking with Iantos and pulling the other mans hand up to his mouth. Jack grazed his lips over Iantos knuckles until Ianto cupped Jacks face with his hand and repositioned himself so he was sitting up, each mans body just inches away from the other one.

They stared into each other's eyes for a bit, each lost in thought. They'd been through a lot today and they knew they had a hell of a life long journey ahead of them but that stuff, the serious stuff, that was all at the back of their mind at the moment because what they saw when they looked at eachother at this moment in time was pure hunger. Hunger for each other. In the past 9 months, although the babies had brought them closer together, they'd never been physically so apart.

Then, all of a sudden, on exactly the same page as each other their lips crashed together, each fighting to get what they wanted, what they needed. Tongues fighting for dominance, each mans fingers fiddling with the buttons on their shirts, trying to undo them as quickly as possible.

"Jack" Ianto mumbled into the kiss

"shhh" Jack whispered, pulling away and placing his finger across Iantos lips. Ianto sat there getting his breath back watching as Jack stood up infront of him undoing the last of the buttons on his shirt and then slipping it off his shoulders, dropping it on to the floor. Ianto moved so he was kneeling on the bed in front of where Jack was standing and started to trace his fingers down from Jacks sternum down past his stomach and stopping at Jacks belt, smoothly undoing it and then moving on to the button on Jacks trousers. Jack let his trousers drop to the floor and slowly stepped out of them as he pushed Ianto gently so he was laying down on the bed, Jack came and lay down on top of him, using his arms to prop himself up so he didnt put his full weight down on the man below him.

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