They're coming

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The Doctor took them back to the Torchwood base after their meal. Both Ianto and Jack couldn't contain their excitement. Jack hadn't told the rest of the torchwood gang that he was planning on proposing that night and neither of them could wait until they saw everyone to break the news of their engagement.

The doctor parked close to the main entrance of the hub and said he'd meet them in the hub later mentioning he was going to pick Donna up who had gone to see her mother and grandad.

Jack and Ianto walked in the hub hand in hand, and Jack scanned the room for sign of anyone. No one seemed to be around so Jack and Ianto sat down in Jacks office and chatted about that evening, the two of them lost in conversation and in complete awe of each other, so much so they didn't even hear the alarm go to say that someone was entering.


"All I'm saying, is that Jack is not the one that's pregnant and i would appreciate it if he showed his face once in a while and helped out" Owen grumbled as they were walking into base. They had just been on a weevil hunt where an extra pair of hands would have been handy.
"Let him relax" Tosh said sweetly "he's going to be busy soon, you know, with the twins"
"Well he should be busy now" Owen grumbled "you know, being our captain, or has he forgot about that"
"Maybe we should mention the possibility of hiring someone else, we're struggling as it is and the twins aren't even here yet" Gwen suggested, tosh and Owen nodding in agreement.

"Ah there you guys are!" Jack exclaimed as he was walked down the stairs, after noticing the others all gathered round in the base. Ianto was slowly walking behind when he suddenly a sharp pain shot up his stomach 'argh' Ianto took some deep breaths and stood there for about 30 seconds waiting for the pain to go. The pain eased off 'bloody hell that hurt, I suppose i have moved around quite a lot today. I should sit down" Ianto carried on walking down the stairs and caught up with Jack who was standing in a circle with the others, Ianto sat down on a chair nearby looking visibly out of breath. Owen noticing, checked he was alright
"Uh yeah, yeah I'm alright" Ianto replied, not that convincingly but Owen took him at his word

"Right Jack, we'd like you to consider employing someone else, we can't keep going on how we are, you and Ianto are busy now and it'll only get worse when these kids come along. We need help" Owen said, the command clear in his voice, making it clear that although he'd asked Jack to consider employing  someone else, really he was telling Jack that employing someone else was his only option at this point.
"I know, Ianto and I have been discussing this" Jack said the defeat present in his voice. "We're trying to figure something out though just bear with us"
Owen nodded, the answer not what he hoped but he knew arguing wasn't going to get him anywhere

"Anyway, um, we have some news" Jack said, the tone in his voice dramatically changing to excited. "We're getting married!" Owen and Tosh squilled with excitement and both threw their arms around Jack, Owen reaching out his arm to shake Jacks hand when the girls had finished hugging him.
"So lets see the ring" Gwen exclaimed and Jack pointed at Ianto, indicating it was him who was wearing the ring. Ianto was still sitting in the chair and the girls went over and sat down next to him. Gwen went to give him a hug too when she noticed just how out of breath Ianto was.
"Um Owen?" Gwen said concerned
"Mmm" Owen mumbled without looking up
"Its Ianto, i dont think he's actually okay" Jack immediately looked up and ran over, Owen running beside him.
Ianto was hot, sweaty and his breathing rate was through the roof. "It hurts" he said simply.
"Right come on, we need to get you to the medical bay" Owen said, gesturing to the others to help him get Ianto up and walking.

"Am i alright?" Ianto asked between breaths
"Yeah yeah nothing to worry about tea boy. Its happening, you're contracting, the babies are coming"

A/N if any one has any ideas for baby names let me know!! Thankyou everyone for reading so far and to those who have commented and rated, love you!

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