Will you?

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The next morning, Jack woke up to Ianto softly snoring, Ianto's head resting on Jacks chest. Jack lifted his head up slightly and kissed Ianto's head and then rested his head back down on the pillow. He laid there thinking, 'it's going to be a while until we can lay in like this again, with all the crying and nappies and feeding' Jack smiled, although continuous crying and dirty nappies didn't seem exactly appealing he truly couldn't wait until the children came along. He laid there for about an hour until Ianto stirred, thinking about the future, creating visions of what life will be like; the kids first steps, first words, the first time they ride a bike. Jack couldn't wait to teach them all the amazing things the 21st century offered.

"Hey" Jack spoke softly when he noticed Ianto's eyes start to flicker open. Ianto yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Mornin" Ianto replied and rolled his head off of Jacks chest and rested his head on the pillow, directly next to Jack. They looked into each others for a while, deep in thought, until Jack jumped up, startling Ianto.
"Breakfast?" Jack asked
"Mmm yes please" Ianto replied, smiling as he watched as Jack walk away.

Upstairs Jack walked in to the kitchen to make some breakfast, 'the timings right, just do it' he kept thinking, 'It'll be okay'. He made some breakfast for Ianto and himself and took it down to the bunker. Jack ate quickly and Ianto looked at him with concern due to the speed Jack was wolfing his food down.
"Got something better to do than sit and eat with me?" Ianto asked, slightly chuckling.
"Hmm. Sorry Ianto. Um Owen...he needs...help" Jack said, as if he didn't even believe what he was saying himself. Ianto looked at him questionably and asked if Owen was okay and if he could do anything to help
"Uh no no its all under control, Owen will be fine, see you in a bit Ianto" Jack said quickly before kissing him on the head and rushing out the room.


"So where do you want to go today?" The doctor asked Donna as they were finishing their breakfast. They were sitting in a cafe on the bay and was just about to leave when Donna saw Jack running around outside.
"Umm Doctor?" Donna said, raising her eyebrows and nodding her head in the direction of Jack running around outside.
"You okay Jack?" The doctor shouted as they walked out the door of the cafe.
"Ahh there you are! I knew you went to a cafe every morning i just didn't know what one so I've been running around trying to find you and now I've found you!" Jack exclaimed, the excitement present in his voice. Jack took a moment to catch his breath whilst the doctor and Donna stood there waiting to see what he wanted.
"Have you still got the ring i gave you to look after?" Jack questioned. A smile grew on the doctors face as he realised why jack was looking for him.
"Yes of course i do, are you ready then? Are you going to do it?"
"Yeah it's the right time, i know it is. Laying there this morning, imagining our future, its all i want. Will you help me, i want to make it special"


Around 18:00 Jack walked in to the bunker where Ianto was sitting on the bed reading a book. Ianto looked up and smiled at him as he walked closer towards him.
"Hey, you going to come up to the main hub, we're about to have dinner?" Jack questioned as he walked towards Ianto
"Yeah sounds good, what is it?"
"Um not sure, Tosh is sorting out" Jack replied while stretching out an arm to give Ianto a hand up. They walked up to the main hub and Ianto noticed that no one was around 'weird, I thought we were having dinner. Maybe they're coming in a minute'. A few seconds later The Doctor walked in and said hi to Ianto. Ianto smiled back and sat down on a chair nearby, he was getting tired very easily now and his back was killing him.
"Hey Ianto, do you fancy taking the sky lift up while Tosh finishes getting dinner ready, if you stay within the perception filter no one should notice the fact your pregnant. The sky is beautiful, if you look you can just about see Saturn!" Jack questioned. Ianto looked at him quizzically, he normally kept up to date when certain planets were visible from earth and he didn't recall this date as being one of them. 'I suppose I haven't really been keeping up to date with what's happening during pregnancy' Ianto went along with it and presumed Jack knew what he was talking about and agreed to go up. He hadn't actually been outside in months and couldn't remember the last time fresh air had hit his face so if Jack was offering the chance of fresh air Ianto thought he might as well take it whether or not Saturn was visible.

They got on the lift and and once at the top Ianto closed his eyes, smiling as the fresh air hit his face. After a few moments he opened his eyes and scanned the sky for Saturn, which to his expectation was not visible. He didn't mind though, being outside for a change was good enough for him. Then he noticed the doctor walking towards them who must've come out through the main entrance/exit, the Doctor opened the doors to the TARDIS, which was suitably parked about a metre from the perception filter, and looked back at Ianto and Jack before asking Ianto if he was coming or not. Ianto looked at Jack, confusion written across his face. Jack nodded and Ianto despite being heavily confused happily walked into the TARDIS.
"I thought we'd go on one last adventure, just the two of us before the babies are born" Jack said, smiling at Ianto. Ianto couldn't get the words out, he was so happy and instead gave Jack a long kiss. Meanwhile the doctor had started the TARDIS up and they was on there way to the destination Jack had picked earlier.

Moments later they felt the TARDIS park and Jack and Ianto looked over and the Doctor who simply nodded, telling them it was safe to get out. Jack took hold of Iantos hand and opened the doors to the TARDIS. Ianto gasped as jack opened the door and the stepped out. They was in some form of space restaurant, with completely see through windows, as well as a see through floor and roof so they were able to see the galaxy with perfect view. Stars shined bright, and planets glistened, and Ianto could see Saturn in the distance, its rings glowing. The whole view was absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the inside that was decorated so elegantly and perfect, Ianto never wanted to leave.
"I said Saturn would be visible didn't i?" Jack said cheekily.
"Jack this is... this is perfect" Ianto was nearly crying with happiness, he had never been to a more beautiful place. A few minutes after a man who looked a bit like a cactus walked up and Jack told him his name stating he had made a reservation. The Alien man took Jack and Ianto to their seats giving them the menu and then walking off giving them time to choose there meal.
"Was that man a... cactus?" Ianto asked innocently
"Haha that Ianto is a humanoid species known as vinvocci, I wouldn't let them hear you calling them a cactus, they find it rather offensive" jack stated.


Around two hours later they had both finished one of the best dinners either of them had tasted. They both couldn't eat any more and were completely full.
"This has been great jack, truly. I love you"
"Well I'm glad of that Ianto, because i love you too. So much and i cant imagine my life without you and now with you having my blood we really do have forever. So Ianto, will you spend forever with me? Will you marry me?" Jack said, getting down on one knee beside Ianto, presenting the ring he had picked out all those months ago.
"Of course I will Jack, yes, of course!" Ianto spluttered, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, this truly had been the best night ever.

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