Anybody there?

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Time had flew by in the last few months of Ianto's pregnancy. He was now 8 1/2 months pregnant, he had never been more uncomfortable and just wanted the babies to be born; but his due date was in 13 days and he was trying to remain positive.
"Jack?" Ianto yelled up to the main hub. Ianto had just woken up, despite it being 2:30 in the afternoon, and had awoke due to a sharp pain in his stomach 'is this is it?' Thought Ianto, 'is it finally time?' He was excited at the thought that the twins may be on their way, terrified too, but excited all the same.
"JACK!" Ianto called louder after a minute or so when Jack never showed. "Jack i need you" Ianto further shouted. The pain in his stomach was getting worse and he was starting to get worried that no one was coming. "Anyone?" Ianto shouted again in the hopes that somebody would hear him. But nobody came.
Ianto climbed out of the bed and attempted to walk across the small space of the room to find his phone, the pain in his stomach was radiating to his back, up his spine and resting in his head. His vision was starting to blur and he felt extremely dizzy. "Guys?" Ianto said weakly before he collapsed to the ground.


"We should start heading back, I don't want to leave Ianto on his own too long" Jack said. The group had headed out for a trip to the beach for an hour to get some fresh air whilst the weather was nice. There was a murmur of agreement between the rest of the gang and they started heading back to the water tower.
"One guy gets pregnant and all of a sudden the world revolves around him" Owen grumbled under his breath obviously annoyed at being made to head back early. As they arrived back to the hub Jack wondered down to the bunker to check on Ianto, he had been sleeping more and more as the days went on, Jack presumed this was normal, Ianto's body was under extreme strain, the male body isn't designed to carry a child, let alone two, and yet Ianto has persevered and carried their children with only occasional complaining, not to mention the fact the children decided to drink Ianto dry. It's fair to say his pregnancy has not been without complications. However he was yet to know, the complications would only get worse. 

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now