Is he okay?

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"OWEN" Jack screamed as he laid eyes on Ianto laying in the middle of the floor "Owen it's Ianto! Somethings wrong" Jack shouted, his voice on the verge of breaking. Owen came down the stairs into the bunker to see what was happening, Tosh and Gwen not far behind. Owen went over to Ianto to check for a response but apart from occasional grumbles Ianto remained silent. Owen did some basic observations but as far as he could tell there was nothing medically wrong, he sat there for a brief second confused as to what to do next, they definitely hadn't taught this scenario in medical school. Jack sat there with a worried look on his face 'Owen normally knows what to, he at least has some idea, why is he not doing anything?' Owen turned around to Jack and asked him to help carry Ianto up to the medical bay so he could do an ultrasound to check the babies were still okay.

They struggled to carry Ianto up to the medical bay but eventually laid him down on the bed. Jack looked at him, longing for him to wake up 'how long had he been on the floor?' Jack wondered 'I should have never have left him alone'
"It's not your fault Jack" Tosh said sweetly, noticing that Jack was beating himself up. "You didn't know this was going to happen"
"Well I shouldn't have taken the risk" Jack replied abruptly before leaving. Gwen went to follow him to make sure he was okay but Tosh gently grabbed her arm
"Let him go" she said "He needs space"

Jack had gone outside and was standing next to the water tower. He felt awful; his heart was pounding, he was dizzy and he was becoming increasingly more short of breath. He tried to slow his breathing down but his mind was racing and he found his breathing was just getting faster and faster. Jacks mind was racing 'Is this my fault? Why cant i breathe? Will Ianto be okay? Oh my god I really cant breathe. What about the babies? Why am i so hot? I should've been there. This is all my fault. I'll be such a bad father, i cant even look after my boyfriend. Oh my god he's still my boyfriend, i need to propose yet - what if i mess that up too,  that's all i seem to be doing lately. But.... my... oh my god i... why cant....why cant i... breathe'.

"Jack?" A voice said but Jack didn't quite register it. It was taking all of his energy to just stay conscious, let alone participate in a conversation as well.
"JACK" the voice shouted louder. Jack looked up and tried to focus on the two people in front of him. The Doctor and Donna had been out and had spotted him next the water tower and went over to check he was okay.
"Just breathe" the Doctor said
"Well dur" Donna said sarcastically "I'm sure that thought never occurred to him!" The Doctor rolled his eyes and decided that now was not the best time to start getting into an argument with Donna - again. The Doctor gave Jack a hug and coached his breathing for a while until Jack had calmed down. Tears were rolling down Jacks face but he no longer felt like he was about to collapse. The Doctor sat there for a while looking at Jack, waiting for Jack to start talking to him, but just as Jack was starting to go through what was on his mind Owen appeared.
"There you are.... You better come see this" Owen said seriously before running off again.

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