So what was it?

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About 15 minutes later Ianto was still sitting on the floor, 'It's cold in here' Ianto thought, he had never realised how cold it was in the medical bay until now where he had no other option but to wait sitting on the cold white tiles until someone came and helped him up. He had sort of enjoyed being pregnant but he could not wait until his body was back to normal and he was able to get up from the floor on his own, or put his own socks on without taking half an hour and a lot of struggling. 'This floor needs a clean, I knew I shouldn't have trusted Owen when he said he would do it'. Despite being stuck on the floor Ianto felt calm, the twins were coming soon, every one was okay and he could feel the babies kicking softly against his stomach. He sat there thinking about their names, he and Jack hadn't discussed names yet, they decided to wait for the birth for the gender reveals as well. Mid thought the alarm bells sounded. 'They're back quick' Ianto thought 'ah well at least I can get off the floor'

"Hello?" Ianto heard The Doctor call out
"Doctor" Ianto called out "I'm in the medical bay, I could do with some help!" The Doctor and Donna had left after the gang had decided to leave Owen with Ianto in the medical bay earlier that afternoon. They had gone out for some lunch and was just returning. They both made their way over to the medical to bay to check on Ianto.
"What you doing down there?" Donna chuckled before seriously asking if he was alright. Ianto nodded and the Doctor and Donna both stretched out a hand to help him up and after a bit of effort Ianto was back on his feet.
"How are you?" The Doctor asked, pleased that Ianto was up and awake again. "Where are the others?"
"I'm okay, thanks. They've all gone out on a weevil hunt".

Ianto, the Doctor and Donna sat talking for the next hour or so until they heard the sirens go alerting them that the rest of the gang were entering. The rest of the torchwood team entered, a weevil in tow.
"Take him down to the vaults"  Jack said to Owen. Jack then noticed Ianto, the doctor and Donna all sitting together and made his way over
"Thanks for leaving me on the floor" Ianto said sarcastically as he noticed Jack walking towards them, Jack looked away sheepishly and muttered a sorry before kissing him softly on the head.

A few hours later they were all sitting around the table eating a Chinese for dinner.
"Ianto?" Tosh asked quietly in between mouthfuls
"Mm" Ianto mumbled in reply
"You never finished telling us earlier, you said you read about what happened to you, and I just wondered, what was it? What happened?"
Ianto finished the mouthful what he was eating and everyone turned to look round at him, curious to find out what had happened to him earlier that day.
"I'm not sure entirely, I couldn't find a lot about it, but I read how as it can make pregnancy possible between any gender or between any race, just before the babies are born the alien energy surrounds the baby and when connected with the device something happens, again I'm not sure what, but it makes sure that the babies will be able to survive when outside the womb; as obviously combinations between different species would not be able to make a viable offspring. That electrical activity that surrounded me, and the connection with the device it just made sure that our babies will be able to survive when born." Ianto explained. The others looked at him, not quite sure if they understood or not but they nodded along.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Jack questioned. "What if I didn't figure it out, you'd still be laying down there" Jack said, his tone a mix between anger and sadness
"I didn't think it would effect me like that, honestly Jack I just thought my stomach may glow a bit or something and I would have been able to handle it, I'm not sure what i thought would happen but I didn't expect that, otherwise i would have told you. I'm sorry Jack"
Jack sat there and smiled weakly and then a thought popped into his head that made him smile, Ianto and the others looked at him quizzically wondering what he was thinking about
"If this process has happened then, and the babies are ready to survive in the outside world. Does that mean you could go into labour any time now then?" Jack asked
"Yeah. Yeah i guess it does" Ianto said happily.

Ready steady baby? - A Torchwood storyWhere stories live. Discover now