🕰️ • Chapter 2 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie • 🕰️

Lisa and Somi had left once Jisoo and Rosie came to check up on me. They walked me to the locker room since I was still in my gym uniform.
"Jennie, I know I've been saying this so many times already, but are you okay?"
Jisoo asked as I was thinking on how this woman named Somi appeared out of nowhere.
Is god punishing me by making this woman exist and taking Lisa away from me?

"I'm okay Jisoo stop worrying"
I smiled clinging to both Jisoo's and Rosie's arms while they walked with me to change.
They waited outside until I was done changing and showering.

If god is punishing me this way then I should prove that I was wrong and will do anything at all cost to earn her love again. I will make it up for the time that was lost, not appreciating Lisa's efforts and love towards me. God just wants me to earn Lisa's love, but with this girlfriend of hers is a sudden obstacle in the way...

I walked out seeing them wait for me.
"One question, when did Somi and Lisa start dating?" I was curious to know, but they both looked at me weirdly confused.

"They started dating a few months before we started our junior year. During the summer they basically started dating. Why do you ask?"
Rosie questions.

I shrugged my shoulders
"Just wanted to know, and Somi's been here since the beginning of our junior year right?"

"Are you having some amnesia Jennie?"
Jisoo touches my forehead, checking my temperature to see if I was sick.

"No, I'm not sick Jisoo, I just forgot"
Seems I really knew this Somi since last year.
If we're friends I should have her number right?
I grabbed my phone checking if she was in my contacts and she really was. I checked our recent conversations we had and I don't remember ever talking to her in my life.

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