🕰️ • Chapter 24 • 🕰️

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🕰️• Jennie POV •🕰️

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🕰️• Jennie POV •🕰️

I've been in the hospital for a while that it's now February 28th. My parents were afraid to discharge me from the hospital scared that I'll get a heart attack again and who knows how long It would take for me to wake up again...
I don't doubt that this will be my last heart attack and I don't think I'll die from it since it's usually to talk to the 26 Jennie's.

Since I was discharged they had taken me to the penthouse where me and Lisa live in while attending Harvard, also Leo was with us.
Jisoo visited for three days before she had to leave since she had exams at her university and the same thing for Rosé who came with Jisoo.
Mother and father had both been staying with us at our penthouse, still worried for my health.

Unfortunately I can't tell them that I'll be fine since it's no use when it's not a first time...
I had asked if I could see Jimin, the guy that killed Taehyung but my parents strongly refused not wanting me to visit him since he was taken to jail serving 37 years of jail time.

I need to see Jimin to know if it's actually him who makes me nauseous, to see if he's the hooded man that kills me and Lisa in the future.
So far what I heard about him was that he found out the Jungkook was already in a relationship with Taehyung before him that he got furious for being a sneaky link unknowingly.

Jimin ended up stealing a Semi truck and found Taehyung's whereabouts that he took action in running him over while under some drugs.
Jimin had a record of being alcoholic so it wasn't a surprise to the police.
After a Taehyung's death it was said that Jungkook felt guilty for cheating on Taehyung and was becoming depressed that he drank from the guilt that it was his fault. If only he didn't hook up with Jimin Taehyung would still be alive.

I was able to visit their graves and felt no nauseous between the two as I was near their graves at the cemetery they were buried in.
Since Jungkook was drinking out of guilt he was said to be driving and crashed, unable to avoid crashing because his brakes weren't working and the thing is... that his brakes were cut off.

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