🕰️ • Chapter 18 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • 3rd POV • 🕰️

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🕰️ • 3rd POV • 🕰️

"I killed someone at 6 years old a few months before I even met you Jennie"
Lisa says with tears that slip and Jennie's eyes widened in shook.

Jennie says whipping away Lisa's tears.
Lisa hugs Jennie not wanting to be seen crying though she was silently crying to not be loud.

"It was an accident yet I'm at fault for it..."
Lisa says in a shaking voice.

  🕰️ • 12 years ago a few months before •🕰️

Lisa and Jennie had met

  Lisa age 6

Lisa was running down the hallway with a big smile holding two clay mugs she made in school.
"Mommy! Daddy!"
Lisa calls their name with excitement.
Her parents were in the living room with Lisa's two grandparents which were Mr. Manoban's parents and Mrs. Manoban's parents.

Lisa's smile slightly fades because the parents of Lisa's mother who dislike Lisa for being an intersex child. Though the parents of Lisa's father always had favored her their beloved grandchild.
"Lili sweetie, come sit" Her mother calls with a baby bump in her stomach.

Lisa nods and sat between her parents.
"Look Mommy I made you a mug and you too Daddy!" Lisa says and she gets good compliments by her crafting skills by her parents and grandparents except the parents of Lisa's mother. They just eyed her with judgment.
Lisa noticed but tries not to be bothered by it.

"So how long till it's time my daughter?"
The father of Mrs. Manoban had asked with a joyful smile to the sister Lisa had in her mother's belly. Mrs. Manoban say she would be due in just 3 months before labor. Lisa smiles happily that she would have a sibling since she hated to be an only child wanting someone to play with.

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