🕰️ • Chapter 25 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

It was the next day as in March 1st. I was eating brunch with Lisa at a fancy restaurant.
I'm planning on asking if she'll allow me to go visit Jimin who's in jail for 37 years.
I let out a heavy breath as Lisa sips in her ice cold brew coffee which she likes it bitter.
"Lisa, will you allow me to go visit Jimin... the guy in jail that caused Taehyung's death...?"

There... I finally said it... Lisa who sips her ice bitter brew coffee places it down.
"For what reason?" Lisa responds, awaiting for my reason to visit.

"I... just want to question him about something relating to Taehyung and Jungkook"
In reality I just want to get close to this Jimin guy and see if he makes me nauseous resulting that he could possibly be the hooded man and if not, then just who could the hooded man be?

I've already confirmed that it wasn't Taehyung and Jungkook after visiting their graves and it was neither of them so Jimin is my last suspect.
"Hmm... so you want to question him..."
Lisa mumbles looking down thinking in her mind.

"Sure, but as long as I can question him about something too" Lisa smiles and I was relieved that she would let me see Jimin in jail.

"However, why don't we go in an hour. I'll let the people know of our arrival to the jail Jimin is held in okay?" Lisa says and I nodded my head.
After an hour Lisa drove us to the jail Jimin was held in since if we had a chauffeur they would notify my parents. However I totally forgot about the guards and my parents ended up finding out.
But luckily they were back in South Korea that they couldn't do much so they ended up giving us permission to go.

Lisa and I were waiting for Jimin to arrive to the window visit. Since there was a barrier between us for safety purposes.
"Wonder what's taking so long?"
I said since one of the officers that had gone to take Jimin here for the visit seems to take long.
Could Jimin have refused our requesting visit?

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