🕰️ • Chapter 3 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie • 🕰️

Lisa and I fucked on this bed that was shaking and creaking hard by her hard thrusting pounds.
Her huge dick was of inside me stretching my tight pussy. I lost my virginity just like in our last life, but this time we'll be able to remember it.

"F-Fuck! why do you have to do this to me Jen!"
Lisa said with a raspy voice holding me tight as she fucked me rough. I screamed with blissful and joyful moans unable to respond to her.
Lisa sucks my neck up to my jawline to my lips.
I melted even more by her lustful touch.

"L-LisAAH! Mngh-ph!!" Tears slip down from my eyes feeling her cock rub against my walls that clench around it tight. Lisa captured my mouth aggressively sucking and deepening our kiss.
I couldn't breathe but still somehow managed to keep going not wanting it to be over.

Lisa lower her head to suck my breasts with her tongue twirling over my tits and gropes them that I came. Her dick was inside pumping in and out with hard strokes banging my G-spot that made our skins collide with slapping sounds.
We separate our lips gasping to breathe some air from intoxicating each other with our mouths.

Now I know why I couldn't walk for three whole days in the our last life because of her.
Just how is she so good at this when we're both virgins taking each other's virginity's!? Lisa turns me, having me on all fours with my back arched like a cat in pure heat. Lisa fucks me from behind aggressively with her hands gripping my waist to pull me back meeting her thrusts.

"A-aahh! L-Lisa! S-slow down a bit!"
The way she fucked me from behind was so pleasurable that it hurts, yet it feels so fucking good! Lisa ignores my words and keeps going, thrusting her hips to pound her dick hard inside of me. I muffled my screaming moans with a pillow that I tightly gripped from the blissful pain.

"I thought I got over you. I really did, but why do I still yearn for you Jennie? Why!?" Lisa shouts eagerly with frustration, gripping my waist, pulling me back to meet her strong firm thrusts. Her cock was hitting my G-spot multiple times that I had already reached my climax feeling my honey flow out by her strokes that hit my pulsating core.

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