🕰️ •Chapter 11 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Lisa POV • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Lisa POV • 🕰️

I had texted Somi that I would meet with her dispite my allergies because of Leo.
I was going to return to school in a couple of days since my allergies needed to calm.
It was Friday and right now Somi was in school while I was homesick, but getting ready to pick her up and take her...
Well, not sure where to take her, since where to you take a person for a break up?

We'll just have to see.
Sending her a break up text wasn't something
I liked, I prefer in person.
I checked my watch and made sure to have enough water for Leo and food.
"I'll be right back Leo" I picked him up and kissed his tiny head and placed him on his bed.

"A-A-ACHOO!" I loudly sneezed when I was about to close the door to my bedroom.
I was having a runny nose again and gone to a near by bathroom taking some tissues from a tissue box that was stored inside a cabinet.

I got inside my Tesla, which is not my favorite or my dream car. I only got it because this was the car Somi wanted me to get, instead of a Porsche that was my dream car. "Haaashh..."
I signed before I turned the Tesla on.
I made my way to Somi's house since she was now there and ready for me to arrive.
I only wore my hoodie and sweat pants, but when I pulled up in-front of her house she wore a dress with a smile.

Damn, maybe I should've done a break up text...
Somi is all dolled up as if we were going on a date, which Is actually a break up day.
I smiled biting my lower lips because I can't seem to say I want to break up, though I want to because of the guilt of lying and cheating.
Jennie told me that I had to learn to say no and cut ties with things I didn't like or doing.

Somi opens the door and frowns.
"Why did you open me that door?"
She pouts and I nervously avert my eyes.
My heart was pounding fast and was getting overwhelmed. Just seeing her was making me want to throw up...
I was feeling that nauseous feeling again...

"S-sorry... I forgot"
Somi sighed and told me to go.
There was no 'Go' I'm supposed to break up.
Fuck! Why can't I just say it!?

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