🕰️ • Chapter 14 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

After Lisa and I had cuddled unfortunately she had to go home since my parents who weren't home at first came back and since Lisa and I are in a relationship father wanted boundaries and that Lisa could only visit when their home.
Not that the boundaries matter since it's too late.

It was dark outside and I prepared myself to go to sleep. Why? Well to find more clues in the bloody nightmare dream since there are things
I need to discover in the penthouse we died.

What I know is that Lisa didn't send the text of wanting a divorce since Lisa still wore her wedding ring and no divorce papers was found in her penthouse. I couldn't get to see more clues since when I get 2 feet close to Lisa the dream of the fight with the hooded person starts.

It's like time stops and plays when I approach Lisa who is slowly dying on the cold floor.
When the dream the is frozen plays the deadly scene the hooded man comes out from a closet nearby and does his part of killing me.
Unfortunately it's unavoidable and I have to face death in order to wake up from this nightmare.

I don't feel the pain of being stabbed because once he attacks to kill me, everything goes dark and I wake up in cold sweat and my heart racing.
I took some medicine to help me sleep since I can't do it on my own because it's hard to try.
Closing my eyes I wore a sleeping mask to help me relax in a way.
"You got this Jennie, still need to search all the rooms in the penthouse..."




My eyes opened and here I was standing in-front of the door to the penthouse. The smell of blood was strong and the door was slightly opened.

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