🕰️ • Chapter 19 • 🕰️

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🕰️• Jennie POV •🕰️

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🕰️• Jennie POV •🕰️

I was becoming breathless with Lisa who took control of over me. My moans with muffled by her lips that were pressed against be while we made out in the library between bookshelves.
"Lisa... L-Let's stop" I say between the kiss because the library did have cameras.
Lisa breaks the kiss and softly chuckles.

"Don't worry, this aisle and the three behind us are blind spots for cameras to see us"
Lisa says capturing my lips again and I was surprised that she knew the blind spots to the school library cameras. How does she know...?

Lisa slips her tongue and grips my hips that my body becomes tense and I start to feel sore and wet between my legs...
Lisa noticed that I've become wet after her rubs her knee between my legs to tease me.
"T-That's enough Lisa, I need to finish with the books before our next class" I say and Lisa smirks kissing my lips while holding my nape to deepen the kiss.

"Alright my wife, but I'm visiting you tonight"
She smiles innocently and I blushed avoiding her teasing gaze. Gosh why is she so cute when I know she's thinking dirty!?

Lisa ended up helping me organize the books since some had to be on a high shelf that I wasn't able to reach due to my small height.
Some students noticed that Lisa and I have been getting along since she seems to be with me while I don't seem to give her a cold shoulder anymore since people used to know that I was annoyed with her for loving me.

It was the end of the school day and I was overwhelmed that Lisa was meeting Somi after school just to talk about the recent fight with a girl named Jihyo who's also a senior.
I asked to know why she fought with Somi and people didn't know so I personally gone to Jihyo asking for the reason since she wasn't telling anyone on why she fought Somi.

Due to not saying a thing she was given after school detention and she just accepted it.
She had no records of ever being involved in a fight before so this fight shocked everyone.
Somi on the other hand wasn't given detention since she didn't start the fight.

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