🕰️ • Chapter 26 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • 3rd POV • 🕰️

Jennie was still in bed but woke by the smell of food. She tried to get up but her whole body ached after the intense situation with Lisa.
Jennie groans in discomfort as she was sore all over unable to move freely. "Morning"
She hears Lisa say as she kisses her temple.

"M-morning..." Jennie's voice was still hoarse from moaning and screaming nearly losing her voice from last night.

"I had people bring you clothes since I ripped you dress and others..." Lisa says since she ripped Jennie's dress, lingerie bra and panties.
Jennie looks over seeing that there was a wardrobe of outfits hung to be chosen to wear.
They were all from her favorite clothing brands.

"After you change we can eat" Lisa says and Jennie nods as Lisa took a sneak peek are Jennie breasts that were slightly exposed though as much as Jennie was sore she removes the covers, exposing her naked body to Lisa as she gets up and chooses something to wear.

Lisa's eyes trailed, following Jennie who staggered a bit to walk.
However, Lisa's eyes widened as she looked more closely at Jennie's body. The marks left by her hands and lips, the bruises from her grip on Jennie's waist and slaps on her ass, all evidence of what happened last night
Lisa couldn't help but feel a spark of possessive pride as she took in the sight.

Jennie picked an outfit to wear and went to the bathroom to shower and change.
Lisa had already showered beforehand.
"Hash... I shouldn't have been rough on her..."
Lisa sighs feeling a bit bad that she left bruises on Jennie body from holding her tight for pleasure to meet Lisa's pace.
Jennie even had bite marks and hickeys all over her body that was noticeable.

Though it wasn't like Lisa didn't have hickeys too or claw marks on her back from Jennie's nails.
After Jennie changed into a new outfit. Lisa and Jennie soon ate together since Lisa ordered from the food service from the hotel.
"Did you treat your knuckles...?"
Jennie asks and Lisa glances up at Jennie and shook her head.

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