🕰️ •Chapter 7 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • 3rd POV • 🕰️

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🕰️ • 3rd POV • 🕰️

3 days passed and it was Thursday already.
Lisa was recovering from the cut she got from the broken step.
It was going to leave a scar but the Kim's helped Lisa with more professional doctors around the world that can prevent the scar. Jennie had visited Lisa but Somi would always be there limiting her time with Lisa that it annoyed her.

This time it was Mr. Manoban that came to visit Lisa which was a first since he was busy in the first 3 days. He sees that Somi was with Lisa annoyed and furious with her presence.
Somi wanted to greet Mr. Manoban but hesitated, intimidated by his cold stare.

She left and waited outside of the hospital room because He asked her to do so.
Lisa adjusted the bed so she could sit up right.
Mr. Manoban grabbed the remote control of her bed that Lisa had in her hand. He throws it across the room which didn't startle Lisa.
She was already used to his abusive actions.
"You should be thankful that the Kim's are helping. You would look even more disgusting with a scar you brat" He says with a cold tone.

Lisa smiled without a care of his actions.
"Sorry, the scar would look disgusting father"
Lisa apologized for getting injured.
Mr. Manoban looked at her with full disgust.
He grits his teeth and clenched his hands into a fist form wanting to slap Lisa across the face.

"Atleast you're aware" He sat on a chair with his hand running down his face letting out a sigh.
Lisa kept her smile staring at him like a child glad to see their father. He was annoyed telling her to wipe the smile of her face.
He already knew how she fakes her smiles.

Lisa stopped her fake smile and looked calm.
"You have until your senior camping trip"
He says which had Lisa confused.

"May I ask what you mean Father?" She says cluelessly as he looks at her with disbelief.

"To break up with that woman. The Kim's are starting to give up your engagement with Jennie.
The engagement is supposed to be announced next month the time near your graduation"
Lisa didn't know that their engagement would be told to the world during their senior year.

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