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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

After leaving South Korea since our spring break was over. We headed back to Harvard in Cambridge Massachusetts, and continued our studies there along with Irene and Seulgi also been here in Harvard with us.

Weeks later I discovered that Jin who was reported missing, had never been found...
As if he disappeared from the world, this made the police officers start investigating but found no luck in just what happened to Jin.

Since he was never found after months later.
His family made him a funeral and reported him dead as his half brother Namjoon was now going to take over their father's business.
However, Namjoon had never stopped to figure out just what happened to his half brother Jin.

There were not much suspects at all that even if there was they would be in the clear since they were no where near Jin and with no surveillance of the moment he disappeared.
Police did look into me and Lisa alone with Jisoo and our friends but we were in the clear.

Two years later, me and Lisa were both in our fourth and last year of Harvard, both age 22, and it was currently May 23th. Four days before we graduate from Harvard with Irene and Seulgi.
Jisoo and Rosie had already graduated in their university on May 17th as Jisoo's career was art and Rosie's career being music as she wanted in the last like but became a lawyer because of her family who are all genius lawyers.

I'm glad that Rosie will have her dream career instead of following the steps like her family as it was never her passion despite being a genius lawyer herself as it runs in their bloodline.
When they graduated, me and Lisa couldn't attend since we still had school but watched them graduate through the online footage to see.

Me and Lisa had sent many gifts sent to them as to congratulate them both. These past two years nothing at all has happened...
Despite me feeling nauseous at the airport when I was 20, leaving after Lisa's birthday and our spring break ended in South Korea. So far that was the last time I felt nauseous, but I know I shouldn't keep my guard down since staying quiet means something big could happen...

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