Chapter One

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Chapter One "Flying requires great skill"


y/n pov

The republic fleet arrived at the separatist space, it seemed to be in some kind of moon, master koth and i walked to the hologram table where an scheme of the separatist fleet appeared, i received some strange looks, i suppose that was because no one expected an 14 year old to be in a mission or even be master koth's padawan, "Padawan, this is captain lock, captain this is padawan l/n" Said master koth as the captain and i shook hands, "Pleasure to met ya kid" I let a slight smirk.

"Alright enough presentations back to the strategy, first we will send a group of fighters to fight the vulture droids, that should win us enough time to get to the main ship, we will be having an mixed group of fighters and bombers in my squad, as well you padawan" I nod my head, i suppose his plan was to bomb the main ship, although i guess the better and safer way would be landing in the ship? I don't know but just for now i wont question master koth's plans.

"Alright everyone lets get ready, padawan follow me" said master koth as everyone went to their post's, "I do know this mission may be risky for you padawan but i've heard great things from you, just follow my plan and we'll return in one piece alright?" I smirk and speak, "Understood master, you lead the way!" I say excitedly, my first mission and in space, this was gonna be good or bad, I don't think there's an medium for that situation.

"Well kid, this is R5, your astromech droid from now it'll help you with the basics in the ship" Said captain lock, "Got it captain" i say as i put on the headset to communicate with the rest of the squadron, "Oh and one more thing, general koth said that if things go from bad to worse, retreat immediately to the ship, alright?" Said lock as i got into the ship, "Don't worry lock, what's the worse that can happen? They're just droids" I say confidently, "Yeah don't overestimate them, just take care alright?" Said the captain and i nod before speaking one last time before we leave the ship "I will try but i suppose i don't promise nothing" The captain chuckled and i closed the ships window.

As the fighters left to fight the vulture droids and create an diversion while we left, "alright squadron remember we must let the first squadron go first, the rest of you follow my lead" Said master koth as we went though the left while the first squad fough the vulture droids, we dodged incoming cannon fire, some vulture droids and some scrap that was in space.

"Were going for the left flank let the fighters take care of the vulture droids" said master koth, as we went for the left flank it was for some reason very quiet considering there was an battle raging in the center, my senses tell me this is a trap, as we get closer to the ship the radar starts picking up a signal, "R5 whats that signal can you track it?" the droid beeped and answered.

"What you mean by an incoming ship? wait...  Its an trap!" i say and turn on my communications, "Watch out i think there's an incoming ship!" I say trough the comms, "That's impossible it would have appeared in our rad-" The comms were interrupted by the new ship entering the moon, so close to us with vulture droids leaving its hangar, "Watch out break left!" Says master koth trough the comms and i break my position from the squad, "y/n watch out you have three vulture droids behind you!" I hear trough the comms.

I need to get them out of my back before they shoot me down, i maneuver to the enemy ship, an munificent frigate it has some spaces where cannons go, they can't fire at me if i go right on their ship right? And that way i can use the ship's architecture to bring them down, their ships do really have strange architecture.

R5 beeped, "I know i know, i have an idea!" I say to the droid who sounded worried, i decided to spin following master skywalker's tip it was a good trick and a good way to get rid of ships, eventually one of the vulture droids crashed and i went back on clear space, "You saw that R5?!" I said in excitement and it beeped in respons, "Yeah i know we have two more left, lets try to shot them down" i say as i try to get an moment to turn around and shot them and i see my opportunity, i stop the ship for a second and shot at the vulture droids, destroying the first and making its scraps crash with the other vulture droid, "Yeah! That was great did you see R5? Like two birds with one stone" i say to the droid who beeped in excitement, "Y/n do you copy, have you got rid of the vulture droids?" said master koth trough the communicator, "Yes master i got rid of them im making an turn and see if i can try to get the main ship shiel-" I say before being interrupted, "No y/n return to the ship now, the squadron is dispersed its too dangerous" said master koth as i just follow what he says.

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