Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten "The Droid Factory"


Battle droids, cheap, expendable, and without any liberty of free thinking, they're the perfect weapons, well perfect might not be the right words but they got the job done for the separatist, at the difference of the clones droid couldn't be tortured, they couldn't feel pain, and they could be mass manufactured.

And if they were destroyed?

Build more, they're cheap after all, you can just put the memories of a fallen droid into a new one and act like nothing happened, for years that has been the case, and battle droids weren't the exception.

Good reasons of why sometimes battle droids were better than clones, but at the difference that clones are humans, they weren't so easy to kill as battle droids, an clone had the free thinking will and that allowed them to think quick plans and execute them in the time needed.

Of course an batch of clones couldn't go against an massive amount with droid despite the plan or the weaponry, but an squadron of clones could take on two dozen of battle droids if they have an plan.

The dependency of an clone is always interesting to watch, formulating plans, fighting alongside their brothers and earning promotions, its always interesting to see what can be of an new batch of clones.

Give an clone an weapon and the will to fight, and they will fight until their death, an interesting sight, sometimes no matter the circumstances they might keep fighting, even if the odds are against them.

Clones will always be relevant and special despite them having the same genetics.

There will always be an special clone, after all they're not expendable.  


y/n pov

I take an sit in one of the few boxes as i listen to ahsoka's briefing about the droid factory, "This bridge is our first waypoint. Focus your fire on the gun emplacements here and here, because its only-" Ahsoka got suddenly interrupted by master skywalker, "Because its only after we neutralize the guns that we can push for the factory." Said master skywalker clearly cutting ahsoka's talk.

"I was--Yes" I look at the rest as i keep listening, "We can push for the factory. now, expect stiff resistance from--" Once again ahsoka got interrupted.

"And don't forget to top off your energy cells and ration packs. Once we leave there will be no re-supply, anything else ahsoka?"  Ended master skywalker, at this point i imagine he already briefed what ahsoka had to brief, "No, i think you've pretty much covered everything... In my briefing." Finished ahsoka.

"Very well, squad dismissed" Said master skywalker and the squad left, i stand up and cross my arms, "Okay, what's next?" Asked master skywalker as the three of us started walking, "You know master my briefings might go better if you didn't interrupt me every time i try to-" Ahsoka once again got cut by master skywalker, "I wasn't interrupting you. I was trying to help you" Said master skywalker.

"Which i would appreciate if you didn't interrupt me to do it, i just think maybe you don't trust me to give the briefing" Said ahsoka, should i jump in and say something? Perhaps i should think it twice...

"Its not about trust. Its about getting the job done right." Said master skywalker i got it! "So does that mean you don't trust ahsoka to cover an briefing?" I say tried to defend her she gives me an gentle smile, "I never said that y/n but-" She got cut by ahsoka this time, "No, no i understand, im the padawan you're the master." She says as she walks to the landing zone, i just shrug and walk with her.

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