Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve, "Grievous Intrigue"


The jedi, the peace keepers of the galaxy, knights without fear whose only objective is to bring and maintain peace to the galaxy, and despite that they walk an lonely path, not being able to make bonds that go further from an real friendship, and they accept it, they all know what to do, but what when one jedi decides to not to follow the jedi code?.

The dark jedi, they're not sith, but fallen jedi, who had decided that the believing of the jedi code was idiotic, or that it was all hypocrisy and they were lied, many jedi would go rogue and eventually become an sith, showing others the lies of the jedi turning them into dark jedi and so goes the cycle.

But what about those who don't follow the jedi code nor the sith code?

An gray jedi, often referred to an person who walked the line in between the light and the dark, not surrendering to the darkness, but they distanced themselves from the jedi council and operated outside from the structures of the jedi code, they could use abilities of the dark side and light side.

Those who became gray jedi usually faced the dark side constantly, but they did not fall to it.

Not every jedi can walk the tight line in between of the dark side and the light side, but those who do and did, are rewarded with knowledge and more.


Y/n pov

I walk towards my master who was on the holo-table, we we're caught up by grievous on saleucami, "Stand by, grievous is boarding" Spoke my master as we prepared, i had never got in a fight that involved an opponent with an lightsaber, that were enemies of course, the stories that run on the jedi temple is that grievous kills jedi and collects their lightsabers, of course i've heard my master say he's an coward.

My master clicked an button on the holo-table and the image of an hallway with our troops showed, "Status report" Asked my master to lock, i heard he and trickshot went to stop the boarding party, metal and ricochet are with us.

"There's too many of them!" Shouted the captain as they fired at the droids, "Get yourselves to the escape pods, we will deal with grievous here" Spoke my master, two against grievous had an higher chance of winning, or more like surviving, "But, sir, they're commando droids." Spoke captain lock and my master responded.

"That does not matter, captain. Now go" said my master as an thump could be heard and the hologram went off, we both grabbed our sabers and ignited them, a buzz can be heard and we see an lightsaber going trough the door, everyone aims their guns and i grip my lightsaber harder.

The cutting and buzzing came to an end eventually, only to be replaced for sounds of clinking and creaking, my senses came on and both my master and i crouched before the piece of the door flew trough us, it pierced crashed against one of the clones that was behind us, we got up again and we stand firmly.

The clanking of metal was heard, and the general appeared, hands on his back, he spits with venom an single word, "Jedi" he says and my master responds, "Grievous" and the general laughs as commando droids enter the bridge, they begin firing and we deflect their shots, some of them had already killed some clones and officers.

I impale one of the few commando droids who was going to kill ricochet, he nods and keeps firing at the droids, we keep slashing droids, one of them kills metal, i use the force to bring him to me and cut it in half, another one had grabbed an clone and killed him, it jumps at me but i dodge, and then slash it.

Before i realized how me and my master were the only survivors left, while he destroys some droids one of them shoots at his arm, disarming my master temporally, one of the commando droids jumps behind him and holds him as another one jumps to the table and prepares to shoot, ricochet shots at the droid and i swing my lightsaber at the droid that was holding my master.

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