Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Ghosts Of Mortis"

(Holy sh*t 5,5k reads already?)


Y/n walked trough the small oasis, filled with an small lake, an pair of trees and a sky that made it clear that it was night, yet the moonlight reflection on the lake made it enjoyable.

He didn't need an neon sign to know this was a dream, one that perhaps he should enjoy while it lasted.

He took a seat on the sand close to the lake and looked at the water. So pure, so clean. The moonlight reflecting made it all look like one of those paintings he saw on the senate of coruscant.

He had to meditate on what he had done, how could have he submitted to the dark side so easily? How could he trow away all his teachings out of the window in less than a minute?

All of this was hard for the padawan, he just couldn't understand it. Maybe he was too weak to resist such an stupid lie? There's no such thing as destroying the sith, and less that the real mastermind behind the war had flied over their heads a long time.

Tho, perhaps it might be true, as well fake. But for now, he had to look for himself.

He had to look for the light that was in him. He had to return to his origins to ignore the fact that he had turned to the dark side for a moment.


y/n pov

Rain touched the rocky terrain of the planet, alongside our wreck of a ship. My master and anakin were almost outside talking, and ahsoka was fixing the ship.

Meanwhile i sat on the small bunk in the ship, deciding that it was enough of sitting and doing anything, i jump from the bunk and crouch next to ahsoka, in the same panel i was working a few hours ago, before it all kinda went black.

"How's it going?" I ask as i look at her, she retreats from the side of the panel and stands up, "Well, i have bad news, and really bad news. Which one do you all want to hear first?" She asks, and considering how bad this place is, i call dibs on really bad.

"Well, lets try the bad news, laced with a little optimism." My master spoke, of course always looking at the bright side of the things, even if things are as dark as the weather of this planet-"We've got two cracked shilo pins, a busted power converter, the engines should be fired twice to dump debris, and the backup vents need charging." That was a lot of bad information.

Not to mention, how in the galaxy are we getting all the things to fix that? In a planet where there is nothing but dark side and disappointment? This is getting worse and worse every time.

"Can it be fixed?" Asked my master as ahsoka returned to the open panel in the floor. "Uh, i can reroute the primary initiator, weld the dampening vents, and that might give us enough power to leave the atmosphere. After that, i have no guarantee she'll hold together." Ahsoka finishes as i reply-"That's already something.." i reply with an sly smile as my master comments.

"We'll take our chances, better than staying here" My master says as i nod and mutter. "That's a good point." And as my master and anakin return to the ramp, anakin brings an speeder. Oh so he's gonna leave, great.

"He left didn't he?" Asked ahsoka as she kept working, i just sigh and nod, "Always on the move, guess we can only wait." i reply as i stay crouched next to her and my master remain on the ramp-"You know, you're starting to sound like obi wan, y/n." Ahsoka says with an teasing tone, i chuckle and respond. "How so?"

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now