Chapter Five

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Chapter Five "The Blue Shadow Virus"

A/N: Yes i know i said we were dropping to the battle of geonosis but to not just drop straight into s2, were going with the blue shadow virus ep (from s1 ofc) so we can have some action, mkay? 


Jedi Temple, Hallways.


Y/n pov

"Ah another great victory for the republic don't you think y/n?" Spoke my master as we walked back from the hangar after an successful victory in Nar Shaada, "Agreed, At least now the separatist will think it twice before attacking republic territory" I speak as we enter the briefing room and see the grand master and master windu speak to what seems to be human male.

"Delicate this situation is, two jedi we will send" Said master yoda to senator amidala.... Oh now i get it! They're talking with the naboo! Oh silly me.

"May i recommend General Kenobi and General Skywalker? Relations with the gungans are a little tense right now, but they trust general kenobi like their own" Said the senator, "Send them we will" Said master yoda and the transmission cut, after that master koth explained our victory.

"Excuse me masters but.. why was naboo contacting us, i was sure they were in peace" I asked to the masters, "Naboo in possible danger is, know no more we do." Spoke master yoda, well if naboo's in danger then it must be important i suppose.


Jedi Temple, Training Room.

Some Hours Later


Since there was no mission to do or anything else i find myself training with droids once again, they're like my little anti-stress toys... or robots in this case, as i was training i hear the voice of my master trough my communicator, "y/n we have a situation please get to the briefing room as soon as possible, over" Well finally something to do more than slaying training droids

As i arrive at the briefing room there was a discussion between the masters, "What's going on master koth?" I ask to him trying to process everything that's going on, "The naboo situation escalated, have you ever heard of the infamous blue shadow virus?" Asked my master.

How could anyone forget the blue shadow virus? Hurt the entire galaxy and no species could evade it, it was the worst plague in the galaxy that's why it was eradicated, "Wait, the blue shadow virus? But it was eradicated years ago!" I ask to my master, "Yes but it seems someone has revived it, and now the entire galaxy is in danger" Said master koth who sounded worried, Normal, imagine an dangerous plague returns and there is no way to stop it, who wouldn't be worried.

"But Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker can handle it, right?" I ask as i put my hand in my chin, "Yes, their mission was a success actually, they're escorting the evil mind behind all of this" He speaks.. so then why he needed me here?

"May i ask why was it necessary to summon me here?" I ask intrigued, "We though they might need some reinforcements and since im going to be off to catch an dangerous criminal, im leaving you to the hands of master kenobi and skywalker" Said master koth, "Oh great so its an escort mission, Sure i can handle that" I tell my master as he speaks one last time, "Good, there's an shuttle waiting for you at the hangar, Good luck padawan may the force be with you"

I nod and leave to naboo, i guess i could do some checking and finally get to do an mission with the so called chosen one, and with master kenobi of course, although this time im not asking myself what could go wrong, last time everything went wrong

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