Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen, "Growing Interests"


There it was, the feeling on the padawan's mind, the feeling of insecurity, the feeling of being watched, stalked, and yet he could not figure it out.

Who was making him feel like that? why was that happened, he needed to find out who, what, and why would it make him feel like that.

He kept walking trough the busy streets, reaching to an more calm street, some alleys seemed to be repeated, as if he was walking in circles, despite that being his point, trying to catch whoever was trying to catch his attention.

It seemed to be working, the stalker seemed to get closer, but as well, it may have found out what the padawan's plan was, certainly this made the padawan a bit tense, but he had to clear out his mind and be prepared for everything.

The padawan kept walking, soon he would reach an dead end, to which he would either have to turn around and take another path, or face whoever was following him, either way he would have to face him soon enough.

Soon the padawan reached an dead end, he awaited for a minute to see if he was being followed again, the alley was empty, and it certainly had an eerie feeling, who was the stalker? and how is he meant to make him leave his hiding spot? 

Surprisingly as the padawan turned, he felt the glance of the stalker close, just in case, he put his hand closer to his lightsaber, and slowly started making his way out, for his bad luck, or good luck depending from the point of view, the stalker had gotten closer, stealthy way, and he was observing the padawan's moves, awaiting the perfect moment to shoot.

The stalker awaited the perfect moment in which the padawan would lower his guard, then he would shoot, but he had to be patient, it didn't help for him that the padawan was quiet and haven't moved an finger since he got closer.

"I know you're here, show yourself." Spoke the padawan, referring to the stalker, he doubted it twice, but at this point it didn't matter, he didn't had to kill him anyways, just capture him.

The stalker left his hiding spot, facing the padawan, "Y/n l/n, padawan of the jedi order" Spoke the stalker, as the padawan faced him, "And i suppose you're the person who has been following me all day." Spoke the padawan as he faced him, his robes blowing against the wind.

"I wouldn't call myself an stalker son." Spoke the now not-so-stalker person with his rifle still in his hands, "So what do i call you? assassin? does that fit you well." Spoke the padawan with an cold tone.

The two started walking around in a circle, as if this was a duel, a duel with no spectators whatsoever, "I guess that would fit me, lucky for you, i'm not here to kill you, so it would be good if you handed your lightsaber and gave up" Spoke the apparently-pacifist-assassin.

"How about.. no" spoke the padawan as he used the force to dis-arm the assassin, he immediately got up, "So be it." Spoke the assassin and he ran to the padawan, tackling him to the ground, he landed an punch on his face as the padawan groaned, the padawan returned the hit as well, before realizing he just punched an man with an helmet, an beskar helmet, he groaned once again.

"How idiotic." Spoke the assassin as he punched the padawan again, the padawan used the force to get him out of him, and put his hand to where his lightsaber is... or well was, the padawan panicked at seeing that the assassin had the lightsaber now, "Looking for this? little jedi." Asked the assassin in a mocking yet serious tone.

The padawan tried to use the force to recover his lightsaber, only to be interrupted by the assassin who used an hook to grab the padawan's arm, the padawan quickly tried to cut it but realized he had no sharp things... then he remembered something.

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