Chapter Twenty-Four

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-Chapter Twenty-Four-

"Escape From The Citadel"


It sure was like the Citadel held dozens of cells, probably hundreds. And in one of those cells, an inmate had heard the commotion, he had been waiting an chance like this for months, to be saved from the separatist torture.

But no one came.

He felt very disappointed at the sight of no one helping him out, but he just thought that maybe. Whoever they freed, was a high value target, and that meant that the separatist would mind them more than they minded him — Which opened an window of escape opportunities for him.

He waited for the droid footsteps of running, and then made his escape. Removing the panel close to the wall since his guard droids were re-routed to another position. He removed the door's control and ran trough the hallways.

Only to find two destroyer droids, he gulped — And in a second he was blasted down.

"Sir, one of our droidekas has killed an escaping inmate." The tactical droid spoke to Sobeck, who shrugged and spoke, "Doesn't matter, focus on capturing the escaping Jedi scum." Sobeck responded and everyone returned to their posts.

What a sad and futile attempt.


y/n pov

You gotta hate rocky and lava combined planets. Its just not worth it, and what's worse than a rocky with lava planet?

A rocky and lava planet. With Droids in it

Worst combination ever.

"What's our next move?" Ahsoka asks as we stop in what seems a small pond of lava and rocks —  "We're going to have to fight our way off this rock." Anakin replies as i look at the lava, its yellow dim color illuminating the rocks around us.

"Contact the council. See when they plan to rescue us." My master says as master Piell steps in, "I'll handle it." He says as R2 generates the hologram. Master Windu appeared, "Master Piell, it is good to see you alive, my friend." The Master says — "Likewise, Master Windu. Our escape route has been compromised, and there are several squads of droids closing in on us." Piell says as Anakin enters the conversation.

"When can we expect your arrival?" He asks, but despite that. That wasn't on my mind on the moment — What was on my mind was the fact about how many people died on this mission, or even more. All the people that probably were on the Citadel, couldn't we just saved them too?

Or maybe that was stupid, considering they were on a high end prison they must have done something real bad to end up with a separatist prison. But then again, the separatists tend to imprison everyone who talks bad or does anything against them. 

I just wonder, who else was inside that prison, who else could have been saved? 

Perhaps i wouldn't know now, but i couldn't stop to think now — Not now that we were in such a vulnerable stop, and when we less expected it. 

Blaster firing could be heard, and i knew that type of blaster fire.

"Commandos!" I say as i ignite my lightsaber and deflect their shots, Cody shots at one of them and falls to the lava. Now that's a good use of environment.

As we back up, Fives trows an grenade and rocks fall from the explosion, we all make our way out before the droids return. Even if we're delaying the exit.


Sobeck stood on his platform as his droids worked to find the escaped jedi. 

The words of dooku echoed on his head.

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