Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine.

"My Second Identity As A Slaver."


"All clear, sir. There are no Separatist craft in the system." 

The voice of Cody blurted from the communicator as Obi Wan and Anakin stood in the bridge of the Venator that was hovering above Kiros, a planet that pursue peace and beauty instead of war, ten rotations ago Master Yoda spoke to the leader of the planet, and now, they were sent after the separatists arrived, and yet, there's not a single separatist craft on view.

Obi Wan and Anakin were wondering how there was no craft in view, but that just made the mystery deeper, which meant that they would have to land, and look for the separatists.

As the gunships landed, troopers deployed, and most importantly, the Jedi deployed, in speeder bikes, Anakin and Ahsoka shared one speeder bike that had a space for a gunner, in which ahsoka was, Obi Wan and Rex too, Rex as the gunner, and meanwhile, y/n and Cody...

"You seem awfully happy to be the driver, sir." Cody told y/n as he chuckled, "Well, i enjoy flying, and driving...So yeah!" Y/n said as he placed his hands on the throttle of the speeder bike, Cody looks at him before placing his hands on the gun of his seat, "Just don't crash into anything, sir." Cody says as y/n snorts, "Crash? Cody i think you're doubting my skills as a pilot." Y/n countered, Cody, this time, decided to not say anything, and just nod.

Y/n placed on his goggles and throttled on to join the others, the team quickly noticed how eerie quiet it was, no colonists, no droids, no activity — "Weird." Y/n mutters to himself as he speeds up, looking around at the buildings, they were empty, with no sign of colonists, or even a simple life form — "Where's everyone?" Y/n asked as Cody looked around as well, before returning his gaze to the front, "I don't know commander, maybe they're hiding." Cody simply says, y/n only hums as he thinks, before they spot something dead ahead.

"Biker droids!" Ahsoka announces, the team of speeders immediately prepare, Cody aims his gun towards the biker droids.

"Commando droids, in speeder bikes, great' Y/n thought to himself as he increased the speed, Cody aimed the gun of his seat and started to fire it towards the biker droids, who immediately started a chase, Cody had already shot one of them down, while y/n seemed to be enjoying the adredaline the entire thing brought — "Commander, behind us!" Cody says, y/n simply nods as one of the 501st bikers get killed by one of the commando droids.

"Cody, hold yourself." Y/n spoke as he grabbed his lightsaber.

"Command-" Before cody could ask what y/n was doing, y/n jumped back, landing on one of the bikes of the droids and igniting his lightsaber, cutting the head of the commando droid, and then piercing his lightsaber into the second droid's speeder engine, making it explode as he jumped back at the speeder bike that was his, Cody had been maneuvering it as much as he could from his seat as y/n landed back, de-igniting his lightsaber and taking control again.

"Nicely done commander." Cody said as y/n chuckled, speeding up again to catch with the rest maneuvering the speeder again as Cody shot down the last biker droid, once they caught up, Rex and Ahsoka had already destroyed two separatists tanks, making it slightly easier for Cody and Y/n to catch up with the rest.

"This is the center?" Y/n asked, looking at the almost empty center, which was now full of scraps of battle droids and some destroyed separatist tanks — "Doesn't look like it." He said, looking around, no colonists, no people, just scrapped battle droids, — "We should reunite." Cody says as y/n nods and they both get out of the speeder.


Y/n pov.

"Darts D'nar." I repeat to myself as i walk with Cody, the thuds of the AT-TE's of the republic echoing around the seemingly empty surroundings of the governor's tower, which was now filled with clones and republic vehicles, forming a perimeter.

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