Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

(Last chapters before season 3)

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[Coruscant Jail, Interrogation Room, TG-42]


The jedi circled around the room, nothing came from his fellow cuffed man, not a word, just utter silence.

The jedi spoke again, "This would end faster for both of us if you only gave us your reason to attack an jedi" He spoke firmly.

They had been interrogating him for a good two days already, yet not a single word uttered from his mouth, and they were becoming impatient.

Soon enough the jedi and clones behind the crystal looked at each other trying to find an way for him to talk, suddenly the jedi padawan spoke with an idea.

"I should talk to him, I got him here, maybe he could tell me something" He said firmly, awaiting for the response of his fellow allies, his master gave him the green light and the other jedi left the room so the padawan could have his turn.

He entered the room, and was met by the eyes of the cuffed man, whose eyes looked like they were in fire, in fire for rage and blood.

The padawan looked at him before he spoke, "So much for a mandalorian, this could end sooner if you just told us who's behind the attack, who is it?" The padawan spoke the last sentence with venom, neither of them enjoyed their presence.

And for the first time after two days, the mandalorian spoke, in a cold, demanding tone, "You're though kid, real tough, those bandages show me that you've survived trough worse" Uttered the mandalorian as the padawan circled around him.

"Decided to speak?" Asked the padawan in a demanding yet calm tone, he circled around the room, expecting for the man to speak again, "I guess you really are brave, and tough, so i'm gonna tell you something." Spoke the man and the room broke into silence, no one managed to get him to talk, yet the padawan did.

The padawan's ears perked at hearing that, as he took the other seat, "Well, i'm listening." He sounded a bit impatient, but he was ready to hear what the man was going to say, "Someone important wants you kid, and you're sticking your nose to dangerous places, if you keep looking, you will die, sooner or later. I would recommend you stop looking, and maybe he will lose interest in you" Spoke the man as silence flooded the room once again.

Who did he refer as "He?" who could it be? pre-vizsla? not possible, he just met the kid a few days ago, who else? separatist? the answer was unclear and the padawan was clearly impatient, "Who is he, elaborate further" said the padawan in a more demanding tone, as the man just chuckled.

"Unfortunately for you, you either find out and get yourself killed, or stay blind, your choice." Said the man as the padawan grew more and more impatient by the time, the man stood still as the padawan realized he had swallowed something. The padawan stooped looking down and immediately looked at the man, he wasn't moving, but he didn't look dead.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" Asked the padawan irritated as he got up from the chair, no response whatsoever, he started to get closer, and the man stood still, as if there was nothing inside him, as if his mind was blank.

"Hey i'm talking to you.." The padawan stopped and decided to shake the man's body, only to confirm the worst, he was dead.

Immediately the medics entered the room, they couldn't determine what it was in the moment, but something had killed him.

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now