Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen, "Dangerous Friendships, And Confrontation"


The two duelist stood firm, one was more exhausted than the other, giving him a general disadvantage but he was not backing up, nor giving up.

"Surrender you do not have an opportunity in your current state, submit now and your life will be spared." Spoke the voice of a man firmly as he tightened the grip to his light saber.

His opponent panted and tightened his grip as well, "No, never" he spoke firmly with more determination than never.

The two prepared to strike, but only one would win, and with one swift move.

One of the two failed.


22 hours before that.



The padawan and his master walked trough the busy streets of level 1301, the master had decided to accept the padawan's plea to go on with a mission with him, "I didn't notice the new robes on you." Said the master as he had only noticed the new robes of his apprentice, it was not like he found it strange, he only found it weird that he had chosen that color, for an jedi, he thought it would be something more inspiring, but then again its war times, and fashion isn't really a thing jedi's seek at all.

"Oh, its because i brought them yesterday, it was an sale." Said the padawan as the two kept walking trough the streets, looking for any imminent danger, "Well, they fit you i suppose." said his master, trying to break the silence that invaded the scene, the padawan just nodded, and the silence arrived again.

The two of them kept walking, no words at all, just waiting for something to happen, and eventually someone said a word, "So master, you know that i uh, raided an hideout with master plo?" Asked the padawan curious for his reaction, the master just kept walking but with a more, "convinced expression" if you could call it like that.

"Well yes, i'm quite impressed of your reaction to the actions ri'vvar y/n, you managed the situation in a quite mature way." His master said as he took a momentary pause before speaking again, "I'm sorry for what happened to trickshot, it was not your fault" He said as he put an hand on his shoulder, the padawan just nodded.

"You shouldn't bottle up your emotions like that y/n, i felt you, even if i was away for a long time." Said the master clearly knowing how his padawan let his emotions take the best of him, "I'm sorry master its just that... i couldn't-" He was cut by his master one last time, "It's okay, y/n i understand you, its not healthy to just bottle yourself like that anyways." And with those final words the padawan felt relieved, as if he had taken an big weight off.

As the two kept looking of any strange or illegal activities, an single tear of water dropped in the padawan's robe, he looked up to see from where it come from, and... the skies were actually very dark today.


And another drop of water touched the padawan's robes as well the master's robes, "I think its about to rain." Said the padawan has he lifted up his hood and kept walking, the master did the same, "Yes i agree, do you carry an umbrella with you in any case?" Asked the master to the padawan, as he just gave an simple head shake in denial, the rain was already starting to pour in little amounts of water.

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