Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One.



Tap. Tap. Tap.

Boots tapping against the floor could be heard of the coruscant sidewalks, in them walked a group of 4 Jedi walked trough them.

"I don't mind patrolling the lower levels of coruscant." Y/n commented to Ahsoka, making a gesture while rolling his finger, "Yeah, well, this place stinks." Ahsoka comments lowly, y/n chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Of course it stinks, it's the coruscant underworld." He simply answers, walking alongside their masters.

"So, what's the big rush?" Anakin asked Obi wan as y/n yawned, "The jedi council has called a emergency meeting." Obi wan replies. Anakin sighs, "I can see it now. Another long, boring debate." He says, a hint of mockery in his voice as the four keep walking. Passing trough a street lamp and a trash-bin next to it, the only sound was of their footsteps and of the ships hovering above them.

"Would you rather they call you to train in to train younglings?" Ahsoka teased as Anakin chuckled - "Are you crazy?" He simply said as they walked towards their ship, so close. But before they could arrive, a shot came trough, hitting the floor, forcing the 4 Jedi to take cover with whatever they found.

"Any idea of where that shot came from?" Obi wan asks as Ahsoka takes a small peek and points at the rooftop behind them, "A sniper, i see him up there." Ahsoka says as Obi wan takes a quick glance before speaking again — "All right, here's the plan. Anakin, you flank him on the right. Ahsoka, you cover the lower streets, y/n you flank him on the left. I'm going after him." And with those words, the 4 Jedi ignited their lightsabers and began to run in their directions. 

The chase began, the unknown sniper started to flee as he saw the Jedi going after him, Anakin and Obi wan climbed to opposite rooftops, Ahsoka ran trough the lower streets, and y/n ran trough the left alleys and streets, using a air conditioner to jump into it, and then use it to impulse himself and do some acrobatics with some metal pipes into a rooftop, landing, he took cover from the sniper fire behind a ventilation duct. 

As he saw that his master and Anakin began chasing him again, y/n took off to run after them as well, however — Due to the darkness of the night, and how the sniper blend into the dark, he lost track of him, he shifted and turned towards another ventilation duct, crouching next to it and trying to get a image of his surroundings, trying to see the mysterious sniper.

"Lost him." Y/n commented trough his communicator as he moved swiftly between ducts to cover himself, still looking around as if the sniper would appear any second and start shooting again — In that exact moment, y/n caught the sound of a blaster being fired, and then a groan of pain, and he knew immediately something was wrong.

A loud thud filled the street Ahsoka was in as Obi wan's corpse fell into some crates — "Obi wan!" Anakin shouted, looking down from the edge of the rooftop before Ahsoka shouted back, "I got him! Go!" She told her master as Anakin caught a glance of the running sniper and immediately jumped towards the rooftop he was running at.

At the same time, y/n had jumped towards that rooftop, hoping to catch whoever had shot the sniper in first place — But both Jedi soon realized that their chase had become futile as the sniper jumped into a speeder and threw a smoke grenade, blinding the two jedi and allowing the sniper to escape.

Both Jedi jumped down to where Ahsoka was tending Obi wan, holding him in her arms — "How is he?" Asked Anakin while panting from all the running as y/n just stopped in his tracks once he arrived at scene, Ahsoka didn't answer Anakin's question, instead she just looked at the latter with watery eyes, confirming the two Jedi's worst suspicion — "Obi wan." Anakin started, crouching next to him, "Obi wan?" This time, the jedi knight shaked the beared master's shoulders, "Obi wan!" He shouted as sirens began to fill the street.

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