Chapter Three

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Chapter Three, "Cleaning The Street" 


Coruscant, Level 1267


y/n pov

I walked alongside some coruscant guards as we were looking for an illegal weapon vendor, we had already arrested some people in the course of the day, and the week, in that time we got information of our desired weapon dealer, for being my punishment for doing what i did, it was not that bad, although i believe duel training would be more interesting, "Hey sir, you might wanna take a look at this" Said one of the guards, "You know im a teen right? No need to call me si-" as i saw the scene i was in shock for a moment, it was the vendor we were looking for, but he seemed to be in agony, slowly i walk to him as i check my surroundings seeing if whoever who did this was still in scene, i get to his body and see he's still breathing, "Get an medic!" I tell to the lieutenant as he did some hand signs, "Who did this to you?" I try asking, "H-h-he t-the m-mand-" He was about to continue but an blood cough interrupted him, an medic arrived and tried to stabilize him, "M-m--man-d-do" said the man as his heart stopped beating.

"He's dead commander" Said the medic, you don't say, now we got an new case i suppose, i grab what seemed like an dart in his neck, "An venom dart" i say as i analyze it closer, "Take his corpse to an morgue, i'll have to report this to the council" The medic nodded as i walked to an gunship, i guess i just got an new mission.


Jedi Temple, Meeting Room.


Ahsoka pov

Master Skywalker and i walked to the meeting room, it seems y/n in his patrol had found what seemed an dead criminal who was killed by an superior criminal.. how ironic.

As we enter the meeting room we see the hologram of y/n as it seems he hasn't returned, "The only words i could understand where 'the' and 'mando' could it be that it that the person im looking for is an mandalorian?" Said the hologram of y/n to the present masters, "I hope we didn't arrive late" said my master, "No i just got into the meeting" Said y/n as master kenobi said, "You should be right, if he said mando then perhaps is an mandalorian, although i don't know what an mandalorian would be doing in the lower levels of coruscant" Said master kenobi.

As y/n and the masters kept talking and theorizing i stared at his hologram...why was i static? "But you'll need someone to accompany you in case things go wrong y/n" said master koth who was also a hologram since he was in a off world mission, "I could go with y/n" i say out loud... Why did i say that! maybe one of the masters wanted to- 

"Very well i guess you can accompany y/n in his mission if he wants of course" Said master koth, "Yeah sounds well to me" said y/n... well an new mission and with y/n, what could possibly gone wrong?

I mean he's smart and thinks and acts quickly.. if i stay around him i'll be safe, and its always good to be with a friend i suppose.


Coruscant Underworld, Level 1304


3rd View

The two teenagers walked trough the low levels of coruscant while the guard was interrogating some people that where in the place of the assassination, "So, an mandalorian right? i hear they're deadly" Said the young togruta to his friend, "Yeah but no mandalorian could go against two jedi, the odds are low" said y/n, as they kept walking y/n could sense something or someone, spying on him.

y/n raised his hand, "Ah, do you feel that?" He asked the togruta, "Uh, no?" Saif the togruta as she tried to feel what y/n was feeling, "Its probably nothing, lets keep moving" said y/n and they kept walking.

"Sir we found another body, its recent" said one of the guards trough the communicator, "Make sure to inspect the zone, the mandalorian is stalking us that's for sure" said y/n.

Indeed the mandalorian was stalking them, lurking from the alleys awaiting the perfect moment to strike down y/n and the togruta.

The two came to an dead end, "Um, y/n this is a dead end" the togruta pointed the obvious, "Ahsoka.. there's something i wanna tell you" said y/n as he turned around, for some reason the togruta's heart beated faster, "Y-yeah?"

The mandalorian came closer.

"You know he's been stalking us, right?" Said y/n with an neutral expression, "Wait wha-"

She was cut by an particular sound, the sound of whistling birds.

Y/n pov

I was never a fan of dramatic pauses nor looking creppy just to tell someone they being stalked, i guess my mind though that was an cool way to say "Hey you being stalked!"

I ignite my lightsaber as ahsoka did the same, whistling birds only part of a mandalorian armor, "y/n he's escaping!" Said ahsoka as she pointed the mandalorian running away, "lieutenant i require air support i got the threat" i say trough my comms, "Come on ahsoka!" I shout as we run towards the mandalorian.

"This is way better than staying in the temple!" Said ahsoka as we chased the mandalorian, i nod and keep running until we get to an four way path, "I'll go left you go right" I say to ahsoka who went to the right and i continued to the right.

As i kept walking i realized my comms were jammed, that meant that the mandalorian could have jammed my comms and was close, i heard walking in one of the alleys and i put my hand in my lightsaber, i heard an grunt and the mandalorian runned towards me with an vibrosword.

I ignited my lightsaber and parried the attack, i backed up still holding my lightsaber he attacked again and i parry it, this time i attack again which makes my lightsaber clash with the vibrosword, eventually destroying it making the mandalorian run away, i try to stop him with the force but he starts shooting at me and i start deflecting until he run away again.

I keep running until i find the mandalorian again, this time it was an dead end however in a landing platform, meaning there was nowhere to run, "Surrender!" i said as i came closer slowly, seeing him from closer he had a blue armor, i've read a a bit about their culture and that their armors mean things and such, but now's not the time to remember.

"You want me surrender? Fine, Catch me" he said before jumping, "No!" I run quickly and try to use the force to keep him in the air until the gunship arrives, i grunt i-i cant keep it any longer dang it where are you lieutenant!

He grabs his blaster and points it to me, "Its you or me" he says before he shoots and i dodge the bolt as i see how his body falls.

"y/n!" i heard ahsoka scream as she comes closer to me, "are you alright? what happened to the mandalorian?" She asks what do i do now? I just point out the air as i sigh, "Im sorry y/n.." she says as she looks down.

I guess this wasn't a great mission, an probably dead mandalorian, what do i tell the council?


Sorry, rushed chap i sincerely don't know how to write like- 


anyway until then, see you.

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