Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

(Yes, it occurs while ahsoka gets captured by trandoshans)



Battle on Yavin! The Republic is on a fight to try to capture the planet's and its hyperspace lane from the grip of the separatist, while the fight above was being lead by Master Obi Wan Kenobi.

The battle in the planet's moon, Yavin IV, is being lead by his padawan, Y/n L/n! In a desperate attempt to end with the separatist reinforcements, Y/n and the artillery brigade prepare for an assault to end with the separatist invasive forces!


 Y/n Pov

"Steady, we don't want to reveal our position" I order the clones as the droids pass by, the planet's flora provided good camouflage.

The marching slowly faded as the droids got to the small cliff we placed the explosives, "Almost.." i say as i hold the detonator tightly.

All the clones are expectant of anything to happen.

And eventually...


"Now, now, now!" I shout as the clones shot the resting droids and i ignite my lightsaber, and then i saw a familiar face trying to reach the transport.

Admiral Onid.

"I'll stop the admiral, Cody, keep me updated!" I say as Cody nods and i jump to the other side of the cliff, catching up with the female admiral.

She grabs her vibro blade, clashing sabers, "You would do good on leaving, jedi" She says as i chuckle while i send more strikes

"And let you escape? I think not" I reply, i can't deny her fencing skills are quite good for an blaster user, but i can't shake the feeling something's off.

Eventually i break the vibro-blade, "Its over Onid, there's no escape" I point my lightsaber to her as she groans, lighting her arms in surrender.

As i cuff her, again i feel a tingling in the force, its like its trying to warn me...But from what?

I hear an gasp from the admiral, and as i turn, i see what the force was warning me off.

Pirates. Florrum Pirates.

And a stun gun, i think i got my response from the force.

Before i could act, i was hit with the blaster bolt, sending me into a abyss of darkness and unconsciousness. It felt like my entire body was getting shut down, like a droid.

And so, i closed my eyes.


Onid crawled her way back from the pirate, her eyes widening, a pirate stopped an jedi. And with a blaster? An impressive feat for sure, but Onid didn't want to be next.

"You know, pirate, we can arrange this.. how many credits do you want, i could-" Onid started, but was shortly cut off by the pirate, "I'm sorry sweetheart, but you're coming with the Jedi." And with those words from the Weequay, the bolt was shot twice.

He pressed the button of his communicator as he saw the two unconscious people, "Would you believe my luck? I caught an Admiral, and a Jedi!" He cackled as he soon dragged them both to their ship.

"Took you long enough." An Weequay said as he dragged the unconscious body to the cages, "i could have used the help." The Weequay hissed as he placed the two in different cages, cages that you would usually use for animals, not for humans.

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now