Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Mortis, part one.

The four jedi took seat in the ship as they arrived at the location, two padawans, and two masters, totally fair now.

"Rex. Rex. Do you read me? We're at the rendezvous point awaiting for your arrival. Where are you?" Asked the pilot as he tried to contact with his captain.

"Sir were at the rendezvous point, there's no sign of you in our scanners" Said the captain.

"Oh, come on. That's impossible." Replied the pilot as he turned to his crew. "Something's wrong we're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated but there's nothing here." Pointed the pilot.

The never ending space and stars sold his statement even more.

"Rex is at the exact same coordinates, and he's not here." Finished the pilot as the bearded  master stroke his bear, "This is getting interesting".

The hologram started to get distorted, "Unable to find you where are you, sir?" was all that could be made.

"Something's blocking the signal" spoke the female padawan as the second padawan looked at the space, from the moment they arrived he had a bad feeling.

And suddenly, the power on the ship went off. The bearded master tried to re-activate it by typing on the console, "Not good" He spoke as he tried to recover the power. "Everything's dead, even the life support." Spoke the female padawan, the male padawan couldn't resist making an small joke.

"I thought life support was meant to stay alive.." He said with an small chuckle. The female padawan rolled her eyes and spoke, "Really y/n? now not's the time-" But before she could say anything else, the power came back.

"Huh, i guess the life support realized it was meant to be alive." Said the male padawan as he leaned in his seat.

"There. See? nothing to be concerned about after all." Said the bearded master as the male padawan nodded and shrugged.

"Then what's that?" Asked the female padawan as she pointed at what seemed an... hexagon? the shape didn't matter as it was dragging them right towards it, "Its dragging us towards it." Spoke the male padawan.

As it pulled the ship towards it, it slowly opened as if it was a holocron, "Everyone, strap yourselves in, looks as though we're going for a ride." Spoke the bearded master.

The light was dim, and practically impossible to see trough.

And then...

It all went black for a second.


y/n pov

Had i fall asleep? was the mission even real? 

I stretched out my arms as i yawned, it all felt so surreal, one second we were in space and now... were where we? "What happened?" i ask a bit groggy.

"I must... have blacked out." said anakin as i keep stretching.. are those trees i'm seeing? "Then, who landed the shuttle?" Asked my master as ahsoka slowly woke up.

"Not me." said ahsoka pointing the fact that obviously, something or maybe someone, had to land the ship. "Where are we?" asked anakin as i shrug, "Clearly somewhere... with an breathable atmosphere, bigger than a asteroid by the way." I say as i click some buttons on my right.

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now