Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen, "The Mandalore Plot" 


Mandalore, one of the very well known planets in the galaxy, an planet that raised some of the best warriors.

Mandalorians, don't fear anything, or at least it's warriors don't, great warriors than never give up.

Some of the greatest warriors we're mandalorians, Jango fett, canderous ordo, for thousands of years they had great leaders as warriors.

And when a planet is born and conquered by warriors, it's only matter of time until war rages, eventually some people will leave their original tribe and start another, and then it's only matter of time until what happens.


y/n pov.

"So, master, ever been to mandalore?" I ask as we pull out from hyperspace in mandalore, never been to here.

"Not my first time, what about you y/n? first time?" My master asks.

"Well, definitely i was looking forward to getting to know this planet" i say as i take a glance at the planet, a mix color of green and white.

As the two of us find a place to land, we reach what seems like a dome, "And i suppose this is like rodia? I mean the domes" I ask to my master, "They must have their reasons, perhaps their ground isn't what it used to be." Responded my master.

Upon landing we both leave our ships, R5 beeps something, "No R5, you can't come with us, stay with R4" I say to the droid as he starts beeping something to R4, and the both droids start arguing, "Uncivilized droids" I say as we walk to an platform.

"The duchess awaits you, general kenobi" Says the guards on the platform, wait that isn't an platform it's a... hover taxi? well that's new.

The two of us get into the taxi, "Far be it from me to keep the duchess waiting." Says my master and we enter the giant dome.

One would think coruscant is the greatest megalopolis, but this dome, sundari, really has caught my attention, the buildings look great, and there is certainly a lot of windows, it feels as if the planet was built by sky crappers.

"Have to say, this planet impresses me more than coruscant does" I say as i look at the multiple buildings and taxis, "Well, mandalore is certainly one big planet, perhaps is better than coruscant" Responds my master.

As i look to the buildings i remember what the guard said, "Master, pardon my ignorance, but, who is this duchess? do you know her?" I ask wondering, i actually haven't heard of her, although i feel like i should.

"Duchess Satine, the new ruler of mandalore, she is the one that brought peace to mandalore" Responds my master to my question, i always thought this planet was forged and maintained by war, well 'Maintained' wouldn't be the word. 

"Well, that's new, so if mandalore is at peace right now, i'm guessing something must have happened for us to get here, right?" I ask wondering, i mean we're peace keepers, right?

"I really hope nothing bad happened, but if the duchess asks for our help, we won't deny it" Says my master as we start getting to an place that seems like an palace, lots of big windows and gardens, jeez what's the thing with windows on mandalore?

Upon reaching the 'palace' we walk to trough an garden and reach an door guarded by guard.. well the entire place is guarded what am i saying?.

Some windows with drawings of what i suppose is the duchess satine, and we enter the 'throne room' is that how people call it?

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