Chapter Four

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Chapter Four "Training"


Jedi temple, training room.


3rd View

"Alright, one, two, and three" said master koth as the training droids activated and y/n lowered his visor that he had on, Today was his normal training day to make his lightsaber form better.

He deflected the first shot from the droid as he deflected another, form 2 wasn't meant to be defensive but it lean more to an offensive, however you could do both if you were good enough, just like the ex jedi, Dooku.

As eeth kotk watched y/n train it remembered him of dooku, not just because the form he choose, the stance, the way he swinged his saber with so much precision slashing everything that got in his way, the way he was always so dedicated to everything he did.

Eeth surely was happy of having such an great padawan, and as long as there was nothing that could twist y/n into the dark side, there won't be another count dooku.

Y/n Pov 

I slashed the last training droid and i stared at the darkness that the visor showed, destroying some training droids wasn't enough i needed an real challenge, someone to fight with, after what happened with the mandalorian i had to get my anger out somehow.

What anger? The type of anger that comes when you were so close to finishing something important and out of nowhere something comes and ruins all your plans, like studying for an exam for days and nights and suddenly it gets cancelled, all the planing, thinking, All for nothing.

I lower up my visor as my master walks towards me, "With that it would be 20 slashed training droids, you're surpassing yourself y/n" said master koth i knew that, but it was not enough.

"Thanks master, but i would really like an real challenge like duel training, or just slashing more droids, Im not done yet" I speak up as my master thinks, "Well padawan offee and padawan tano are coming to train here, maybe you could ask them for saber traning" Said my master i suppose i could use that.

The first one to arrive was the mirilian, Barriss Offee, one of my childhood friends or atleast the one's i remember, "Hey barriss!" I greet her as i walk to her, "Hello y/n" she says with an smile on her face, i see her master walk on as well, "Master luminara, pleasure to see you here" I greet her as well, "Well i have to supervise my padawan" she says with an proud smile on her face.

I sat and watched barriss train or maybe warm up? Who knows, i waited until she was ready so i could ask her for an duel or saber training if that's how some people call it.

"Hey barriss, are you up for an little duel?" I ask as she stretches her arm, "Of course, i could use some saber training" She says, well at least now i know that she's the type of people that call it 'saber training' not that is something bad.

We both get on the center of the little ring, "Alright, first one to be unarmed losses, Understood?" Said one of the masters that were there to supervise duels, i nod and grab my lightsaber as barriss does the same, we both ignite our sabers in our respective forms, barriss practiced form three, an defensive form intended to deflect blaster fire, it didn't mean that it couldn't stand a chance against an lightsaber duel of course.

I take the first step as i slowly walk towards her and she copies my move, i swing my saber towards barriss saber which she defends by hitting the saber back and sending me an step back, that was an good move i guess it would be more of an offensive move.. but who cares, its just a duel after all.

I walk slowly again as she copies again my move, this time i swing my saber higher which she defends by hitting it back while i swing it again but this time lower, she defended it but this time just clashing sabers as she manages to make me back up.

Walking to her this time faster, i swing my saber in a different order now, up, down, middle, she seems to be able the first two attacks but seems to have trouble with the last one.

"Been practicing y/n?" Barriss ask as she recuperates her stance, "Could say so" i say as i move towards her again and start doing more aggressive and continues moves, making her defend and not letting her attack, until in one of the saber clashes she backs me up and attacks, i change the direction of the attack as i back up and recover my breathing.

Now this is a challenge! As i recover my stance an smirk forms on my face as i attack again, this time barriss attacks as well, with every swing making both of us back up, as she backs up i attack again, not giving her a chance to recover her stance, we both look in the eyes before she hops and recovers her stance.

Her 'head robe' flew off, letting her hair show up, As i back up and recover my breath just as barriss does, i see the masters looking at us in awe, i now use both of my hands in my lightsaber getting ready to strike again, barriss looks at me as she's ready to defend from my attacks, she looks determined to do so.

I do an quick attack walking towards her and towards her right preparing myself for another attack, she seems to be ready to defend and attack, I start by doing some quick attacks trying to get rid of her defense stance, only then i would be able to disarm her, i take some steps and i lift my lightsaber up for an heave strike, she seems to copy my move.

As i do my attack she copies and we clash our sabers, i try to disarm her by moving my lightsaber down, but she keeps on defending and clashing my saber, she grunts as i grip my saber harder trying to make her back up.

I manage to back her up a few steps as she tries to recover the stance i do an quick but heavy attack that leaves her catching her breath, trying to recover her stance now would take more time it was my chance, i attack again and she tries to deflect but i grip my hand harder as she gets forced to back up and finally i get to strike her saber down.

With one swing move her saber goes across the room and out of the ring closer to master luminara, "The duel's over y/n l/n wins" says the master as i de-ignite my saber and try to catch my saber, Barriss was an true challenge when she wanted to this was one of the times.

I didn't even notice but master skywalker and ahsoka walked in, "Y/n that was very impressive, you had me about to lose in those first upper strikes" Says barriss i just smirk, i noticed her 'head robe' close to me and i handle it to her, "Here, i think it fell when we were dueling" She grabs it and speaks, "Thanks, it did i hope we battle again soon y/n" she says and i nod walking to somewhere i can sit, "I hope you can go against me y/n" says ahsoka as i get ready.

"You bet!" I said cheerfully as i take an quick glance to barriss she seems to be looking at me while she talks to her master, "Ready whenever you are y/n" says ahsoka as i nod and walk towards the ring.

I feel like barriss should let her hair reveal more often, she looks good that way... wait what am i saying? ugh whatever, "Alright ahsoka im ready!" I say as i ignite my saber.

I can do this all day.


Next one im just gonna use second geonosis battle mkay, also barriss is great i should do part an book with her, whatchu think reader?

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