Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight, "Training and a curious resemble"


1 Week Before the second battle of geonosis 

The Jedi Temple, Library.


The library of the jedi temple contained all sorts of information, from simple creatures, to entire planets, races, cultures and more.

But if there was something as more interesting as discovering new planets, races, or even creatures, it should be being forever remembered, The library also contained information of jedi masters, knights and those who earned it.

There was no doubt that younglings and padawans would want to give an look to the greatest jedi master or knight.

That didn't mean that the jedi keep all the information of jedis who went to the dark side, although sometimes that information is preserved, but perhaps just people don't look at it often due to the infamous respect they may have gained.

Or perhaps they're just very well hidden, either way one day you'll bump into it, either by chance or because you looked for it.

Y/n definitely got information by chance.


Y/n pov

Despite my efforts to convince master koth to not to send me to archive duty, i was still ignored and sent to archive duty for what was a week, but i managed to lower it off to four days, I still need to train and get ready for when we depart to geonosis after all.

Afternoon is one of the moments where the library becomes almost an ghost place, the only people there are is madame jocasta and whoever had gotten archive duty... me basically.

As i walked by the computers i saw one of the younglings, Caleb Dume i guess there still is some people who want to learn more than just duel, or maybe he's here because someone told him to, "Good afternoon mister y/n" Said caleb, "Good afternoon caleb, is there anything i could help you with?" I ask in search of something to do, "I don't want to bother but i have trouble finding the planet of lothal, could you help me?" Asked caleb, anything that could make this less boring kid.

"Of course, Its on the lothal sector... in grid square U-7" I say as i point it to him, "Thank you y/n!" He said as he was now seeing the information of the planet, "You welcome caleb" I said as i kept walking and making sure everything was in its place.

As i made sure someone didn't mix the mirilians with miralukas again, madame jocasta asked me a favor, "Y/n dear would you be so kind of putting this in the masters section" said madame jocasta, "Of course madame" i say as i walk towards the section.

"Lets see there should be an space here... Here!" I say as i put the datapad in a space on the bookshelf, i was making an turn to return to my duty until something caught my eye, an dropped datapad in the lower corner of the shelf, i walk to it and observe it, its kinda dusty but it can be read.

Once i managed to get the dust off i read the name of the datapad, 'Jedi Masters, Dooku'  Just that name the name of count dooku, i though the temple had no information about him now that he turned to be an separatist, I look around making sure no one is watching and then i take a look further to the datapad.

It had some information of dooku, or at least of the last time he was a jedi, apparently dooku was also fluent in form two.. like me huh coincidence i suppose, and he was master yoda's apprentice... okay i'm surprised now.

I walk to an table and sit and carefully read more about dooku, His apprentice qui gon jinn had died in naboo and then he left the jedi order and... he became a sith? i though he.. was a separatist but not a sith! was this information hidden from padawans and younglings or was i that blind?

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now