Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six



Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sounds of boots hitting the ground filled the air of the night. The breeze moved the grass of the field.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

With every step the stranger comes closer to an small house in the fields.

Tap. Tap.

An small house that 3 people lived in, one in which he was needed to fulfill his mission.


The steps ceased.

The stranger now stood in front of the door, his hood covered his face, he tried to open the door, but he found it to be locked.

The stranger realizes that he will have to force the door down.


The stranger ignites its crimson red lightsaber, slowly making an square form around the door, once he finishes cutting he sends an gust of wind caused by the force, knocking the door down. 

He sets foot inside, the sound of crying can be heard. A baby's crying.

There's no one in the living room, but the crying shows that it comes from the last door on the corridor.

Slowly, the hooded stranger makes it way to where crying comes from, his crimson blade following his movements.

Before he reached the room where the sound came from, an woman appeared from the corner, pointing her blaster to the hooded stranger.

"Stay away you monster" She said as she pulled the trigger as fast as she could. Blaster bolts came from it, the stranger just deflected the bolts with it's lightsaber, before using the force to strangle the woman.

She could not do anything, but to struggle against the stranger's hold on her throat. Eventually the stranger opened the door, only to find the room empty and a small sound player, it was tricked with a fake crying.

The stranger lifted his head to the woman, "You're quite clever, but its over, tell me where the child is." The stranger demanded and the woman keep struggling for air.

"You...will...never..find him." The woman said, impatient, the stranger places his lightsaber close to the woman's throat, "You have, one last chance, tell me... where is this child." The stranger asked, the woman shook her head, "You will never... get him!" She shouted, and the stranger's patient ran.

In a swift move, the lightsaber went over the woman's throat, and before both of them knew it, she was already dead.

The stranger dropped her body and started exploring around, de-igniting his lightsaber as he did, but the child was nowhere to be found.

The stranger grabbed it's holo-projector, an hologram of an hooded old man appeared.

"Have you find him yet, my apprentice?" The hooded old man asked, "Not yet, his mother hided him, and tricked us into believing he was still here." The hooded man in the house said.

"Then you must keep looking, he may be in another planet, you must find him my apprentice, this child is important, we must find him before the Jedi do."  The hooded old man says as the hooded man on the house nods.

"I suggest you now go to Rhen Var, his father's last appearance was there." The hooded old man says again, his apprentice nods.

"I trust you won't have problem finding this child. Darth Maul." The hooded old man says as the apprentice nods, the hologram fades, leaving an unnerving silence on the house.

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