Chapter Six

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Chapter Six "The Stolen Holocron"


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1 Month before the second battle of geonosis

Younglings, Padawans, Masters, The rumors of an special batch of masters and padawans going to the second battle of geonosis was spreading.

The planet that started all the war, the conflict, were many died, some survived, and if this battle went well, it would certainly lower the separatist war effort.

Rumors said that the "Chosen one" and his padawan were going, so as general kenobi, ki adi mundi and master koth and his padawan, Between padawans and younglings there were talks about how y/n was very good at dueling and that at the end of the war he may become an jedi knight, or even an jedi master, But that's the future.

In this moment y/n was in the coruscant underworld with master koth, despite all that was going on he told his master that his senses told him something wasn't right.

So now y/n finds himself walking in the lower levels seeking the information his senses so much told him about.

Y/n pov

Despite the preparations for the second battle of geonosis my mind was on a whole other world, i couldn't sleep last night due to my mind being full of thoughs, and i had the feeling that deep down here, something was wrong.

"So uh, what are we exactly looking after, commander?" Asked 'Trickshot' i name i gave him due to his great precision, "Someone is what we looking for, my senses tell me its nothing good." I say, i know its never good to put too much trust in something like 'senses' but then again it could work.

"Excuse me commander, but do your senses tell you we are close?" Said the lieutenant, Cross an normal nickname but still he said he liked it, "Actually, Yes, we're actually close i believe its that one warehouse" I say pointing to the warehouse that was empty as we walked towards it, My senses keep telling me this is a trap, but when is it not a trap?

I try to open the door but it is locked, of course, "Door's locked, Cross i need you to be ready to pursue, trickshot find a good place to take aim" I say as they nod and i stand at the door, extending my arm to the door, i take a deep breath and close my eyes, The force is with me...

I concentrate the force on my palm and in a swift move i move my arm backwards and then towards the door, The force destroying it making it crash against some table, I ignite my light saber just in case and then i saw him, The infamous Cad Bane, "You have guts to come here jedi, but this is where it ends" He says, arrogant.

"You're going to jail for what you have done bane" I say coldly, there's no need to be good with him or he'll back-stab you when you don't realize, "I've heard that so many times" He said and draw his blasters, i deflect his shots as he escaped using his jet boots, "Cross get ready he's escaping!" I say trough the comms as cross spoke back "On it commander!" I follow bane as he breaks out from the window i see an blaster bolt almost hit bane, ironically trickshot failed his shot.

I use the force to stop him in the air, he grabs a detonator from his coat... does this guy save everything in his coat? "So long jedi" he activates it and trows it to me, i jump away and let him go as the detonator explodes, my ears ring from the explosion.

"Commander are you alright? we were chasing the criminal but we lost him" I hear still my ears are ringing, "Would.. come pick me cross?" i say trough my comms, i think explaining this to the council would be harder than trapping bane.


Jedi Temple, The Jedi Council


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