Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight.



Celeste groaned, slowly getting up from her position, her body felt as if a thousand volts had hit her for a whole 3 seconds, and it hurt a lot, she got up from lying down on the floor, and looked around the empty ring, pieces of scrap and defeated battle droids lied on the floor — Grabbing her own blaster, she explored around the now eerily calm room.

"Y/n? Are you there? Y/n?!" Celeste shouted frantically, looking around for any signs of her brother — Only to find silence and the sounds of wind as a response, sighing she walked around some more, determined to find her brother.

She heard footsteps from her left, and immediately raised her blaster towards there, despite the pain that her arm presented at the time of doing so, only to reveal a jedi padawan groaning as well, a togruta.

"Y-you're... One of my brother's friends right?" Celeste asked, the togruta looked at Celeste — "Asks who?" The Togruta spoke, Celeste saved her blaster and raised her hands in defense, "His sister, Celeste L/n, i'm looking for him. I can't find him.." Celeste said, the Togruta leaned against the controls of the ring.

"Where in the galaxy is y/n?" They both asked in unison.


As y/n finished throwing up, and Celeste called off security on the lower levels, Y/n wandered to where his father's rotting body was, slightly pushing him away and checking what was behind of his father's corpse, to find what seemed a tomb with strange markings — Naturally y/n paid it no mind and focused on his father, until he accidentally touched it, he stepped back as he stumbled.

In that moment, y/n felt a strange rush of emotions, sadness, anger, and regret, feeling that he hadn't felt since he lost his old master.

Before the tomb could have any further impact on y/n, he quickly stepped back, managing to break free from those feelings.

"W-what in the world did just happen?" Y/n questioned himself, almost tripping and falling, but regaining his composure and looking at the tomb — Then, a thought occurred to y/n, 'If it's a tomb, then someone must be in it' He thought to himself, and armed with courage, even after seeing his own father's corpse, y/n opened the tomb slowly, only to realize it was a full of nothing but bones, dust, and a terrible Odor.

Then, in the least awaited moment, y/n felt a chill down his spine, as if he had released something from the tomb — Or someone in the worst of the cases, and the moment he tried to turn around, he was meet with a strong nausea and for a moment, y/n felt to his knees, almost throwing out again.

And then, metal footsteps could be heard as an imposing, tall figure presented itself, looming over Celeste, it looked down to her, and then back to y/n.

And then it spoke.



Anakin and Ahsoka stood with the other clones awaiting for the now repaired elevator to reach their level — And as they did, they heard a loud thud, they looked at each other, and then to  where the sound came from, the vault levels.

Once the elevator reached their level they all got in and clicked the button of the vault level on the elevator, and hoped they weren't late.

They could hear blaster fire, one was from an unknown blaster, but the other one — They had been on many battles to not forget that sound.

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