Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"Citadel Of Terror"

Captured! Returning from a perilous assignment in the outer rim, Jedi Master Even Piell's cruiser has fallen under attack and has been boarded. Seeking vital information he carries about secret hyperspace lanes called the Nexus Route. Separatist forces have taken him alive. Now, the jedi prepare a mission are preparing an stealth mission into the heart of separatist space in an effort to rescue Master Piell from the deadly prison known as the Citadel.

Meanwhile, Jedi Master Mace Windu has sent Jedi Padawan Y/n L/n in a secret mission to gather separatist information from a high rank officer about an possible safer route into the citadel! 


Tap. Tap. Tap

Four figures walked trough an old sewer, one hooded jedi, one arc trooper, and two normal clones. Both stopping at the hand sign of their commander, "Burn, take the left, razor you the right. Lock, with me." He spoke firmly as they all nodded, both the commander and the arc trooper arrived at a small vent, which the jedi cautiously removed.

Lock pointed his gun, shooting at two of the droids with de-activator blasters, and before the man could alert the jedi pushed him to the wall by using the force, as the two clones exited the vents and surrounded him. 

"Guard-" Before he could shout anything he was cut off by the hand of the clone pressing on his mouth. They all closed doors and windows, before the hooded jedi spoke.

"Well, hello. Officer Ritt." He said with an small smile as the commander watched helplessly and getting cuffed by an clone.

"Room clear." Spoke the arc trooper after inspecting every inch of the room, the jedi nodded and stopped his force push—"Let our friend speak, razor." The jedi spoke to the clone who held the hand of the officer, but still held him gunpoint. "We can make this easy, tell us where you save the holodisc, and no one gets hurt." The jedi said as he crossed his arms.

"Never!" The officer shouted as y/n made an "shush!" sound at him, then signaled all his troopers to scan the room for the holodisc—"Too much barking but no biting Ritt, turn yourself in. The separatist won't enjoy you getting your disc stolen." The jedi spoke as he inspected Ritt up and down. "Or what? You jedi are going to torture me until you get what you want?!" The officer said with venom as the jedi rolled his eyes.

"No, we'll just take you in by force, but its up to you, whether you want it to be easy... or hard for you." The jedi spoke calmly as the arc trooper with an disc at hand, "I think the interrogation came to an end, sir." The trooper said as the jedi grabbed the disc, "I think you're right. Put him to sleep and lets bring him to the ship." Both clones nodded as the arc trooper fired an tranquilizer to the officer.

As the jedi entered the disc on a holo-tablet, it popped out with the name of every single inmate, alongside with an scaling of every separatist force and ship in it. "We hit the jackpot, sir." The arc trooper said as the jedi nodded along. They indeed got the jackpot, names well known such as the jedi master they were after, and some unknown names, but that were at the top for an reason.

"Hefty amount of names you signed in huh?" He asked the now asleep officer—"Alright, lets get moving before anyone notices-" The jedi was cut by an holo-transmissor beeping, everyone's attention was drawn to an holo-transmissor on a nightstand.

The jedi was the first to grab it, it seemed that it had a separatist contact in it, which he found to be interesting information, he immediately de-activated the camera and cleared his throat as the clones gave him a quick thumbs up.

He saved the holo-transmissor and decided to check up on it later, and they all made their way back to the ship.


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