Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven, "Brain Invaders"


Y/n pov

Sand, i hate sand even tho i just been in this planet only for two days practically, i hope i don't go to tatooine for any mission, ahsoka told me that her master hates sand despite coming from tatooine, perhaps people that live in sandy planets hate sand? Do people that live in water worlds hate water? Wait, that's an stupid question.

Ahsoka, barriss and I we're going to an meeting with our masters, apparently i lost track of time and master koth had come to help the other masters on capturing poggle, they talked about some type of worm and that they almost die to it, wow i don't go in a mission for one day and i miss a lot of things well at least now we got an clear exit from this planet.

We left the shuttle and walked down to where our masters where, my right eye now is better at least its not black just a little blurry, doctor said it would go off soon, poggle was being transported in the same shuttle we arrived, as we passed on he clicked and said some words, Don't know i don't speak geonosian.

We reunited with out masters as master mundi came with news, "I'm afraid we have an complication." He started, we always do, "Don't we always?" Responded master skywalker.

"I've just received a distress signal from our forces on dantooine. Master windu's defenses held, but at a great cost of his men. They need medical supplies immediately, we can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestus." Finished  master mundi, well sounds like an easy mission, "We're delivering poggle to coruscant, and cestus is not exactly on the way." Said master skywalker, sounds like a mission to us.. right?

"The republic must being debriefing poggle right away if we're to get useful intelligence from him." Responded master luminara, useful information given by poggle... like droid factories? Don't know maybe i shouldn't have to worry too much, master sykwalker slowly walked towards us, "Master, i suggest we let our padawans handle this supply mission." He said as he grabbed ahsoka's shoulder and barriss joining us, "Whatever needs to be done master, im happy to help." Said ahsoka and barriss soon followed, "As am I" she said, "I'm all for it" I finish.

"Very well take a medical frigate, and after we've delivered poggle to coruscant, we'l rendezvous with you for the voyage to dantooine" Said master kenobi and they all left, we walked towards an shuttle to take an medical frigate, "It's good to leave this planet" I say, finally back to space... or any planet that isn't made of sand, "And to think we almost died here" Responded barriss referring to the tank, i'm still remembering that moment and most importantly... why did i hold ahsoka's hand? and why did she accept it?

"But we made it out alive, and that's what matters" Said ahsoka as we took the shuttle, "I suppose you're right" I answered and we left the planet.


"We are ready to make our jump, master fisto" Said barriss to master fisto we we're already in the bridge of the frigate, "Good, i look forward to your arrival." Finished master fisto and we jumped to hyperspace, we left the bridge and we walked trough the ship, "I think i'm going to get some sleep" I say as i yawn, i was really tired after all that we went trough and i imagine ahsoka and barriss are as well, "Might do as well" Responded barriss and was continued by ahsoka, "Yeah, i think we all need some sleep." She finished and we walked to the quarters.

I lay down at the bed, still feels like i'm at the temple but well now i'm in space sooo... I close my eyes trying to catch some sleep, and try to forget some of this.


3rd view.

The three padawans were at their quarters, ahsoka trying to get some sleep although it seemed as she couldn't sleep, tossing and turning trying to sleep but nothing worked, she looked at a peacefully sleeping  barriss, or she though so, "What? what is it?" Asked barriss to ahsoka, "It's too quiet, its a big change from all the fighting the last few days." Responded ahsoka, "You should enjoy this peace while it lasts." Said barriss, truth is they should enjoy this peace, they probably would have to return to fighting, so it was good to have some peace in war time.

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