Chapter 1: Enter Sandman.

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Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them... with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube... was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it, and rebuild our home. Searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called...Earth.

But we were already too late.

April, 2001, Peru.

Wet and cold is what Clara Grey would label her trip through the Peruvian rainforest. At first, she had found herself warm, she felt like she was baking, but then rain clouds came almost immediately and rain poured down upon her, drenching her. She was simply doing all of these for her master's thesis, so why the hell did have to be hard because of the weather?! Clara should've known better than taking her professor's suggestion of following this lead of research in Peru to an over 2000-year-old possible Paracas find, he knew she was fascinated by Latin American prehispanic history. At least she wasn't alone, a friend of hers from Peru along with an indigenous guide and a few fellow archeologists her professor put her in contact with regarding research. They knew what they were getting into and they would thankfully help her find what she needed. "We're close." the guide Khuno announced, brushing away mud and moss to show old stone within the right age she was looking for.

"Paracas...over 2000 years old." Clara guessed, her fingers touching the stone while Khuno nodded at her words. He'd gotten to know this girl over the past three months she had been here and she was smart, a quick study, and listened to him as this was his ancestor's culture. "Do you think we'll find it before we lose sunlight?" She asked the man who glanced at the young woman and bobbed his head.

"I do, we are not far. No more than a few miles." the man assured her with a small nod. Clara was thankful for that, they'd already walked twelve miles and their camp was twelve miles back.

"When we get there, would it be alright if I head in alone?" Clara inquired which made her friend Yahana pause as well as the others slow in their steps. "There'll be plenty outside, but it's ancient and is it not better we have as little outside disturbance as possible?" She stated and the others exchanged looks before reluctantly agreeing to her conditions. However, Khuno frowned with concern and looked at the young woman.

"I will allow this, but I will not move from the entrance of the ruins and you will remain in contact through the radio the entire time, child." Khuno negotiated and Clara exhaled but nodded in agreement. That was fair. She just wanted to go in there alone, and find things herself without the other archeologists, she needed to learn this herself without help. That was the point of her going to grad school for archaeology and physics after majoring in undergrad in the two subjects. This is the step where you get up and bike by yourself without the training wheels.

"That is fair, I'll make sure to stay in contact." Clara agreed, Khuno let out a puff of air before moving forward and the rest of the group followed their guide. Eventually, after a couple of miles, the rain stopped and they finally reached their destination. There was a slight mugginess in the air from the previous rain and warmth, but a smile came upon Clara's face when they came upon the supposed entrance. It was adorned with the same type of stonework previously found, though in a way the entrance reminded her a bit of a cave. In fact, it wasn't the only entrance, they all knew that thanks to Khuno. The other entrance was near Khuno's tribe's village, no one else but Khuno would've been allowed, no matter how much he vouched for them. However, they made it clear if one entered through the way they currently stared at and found themselves leaving the way out by the village, they would not deny the traveler food, water, care, and aid. Khuno was the first to step forward to scout out the entrance, the older man holding out a hand to halt the others from moving forward to gain a peek. The man switched on his flashlight and peered forward into the entrance with a small hum leaving his lips. "Khuno, what is it?" the young american woman frowned.

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