Chapter 15: Heartlines.

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Clara had spent the entire smooth ride to the NEST base texting back and forth with her ex and his fiancé in a group chat. Of course, she had no idea what her future schedule would be or what strange nightmares would come. She had fallen asleep for just a little and it was another strange dream about this 'the Fallen' being. Thankfully, no nightmarish one where a hand tried to crush her to death. However, she took the time over text to get somewhat to know his fiancé so she had an idea of what to expect in person. This was also when she concluded that Bumblebee might be the better driver, but she would never say that aloud. It only took them a few hours to arrive at the base and all of the autobots and the rest of the NEST team were already there. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite doctor." Epps greeted her with enthusiasm when Clara climbed out of Bee's alt mode after they rolled into the secondary hanger.

"Hey, Epps." Clara laughed, bringing the man into a tight hug. "How'd the mission go?" She asks curiously with a small smile on her face.

"About as you expected, but you're gonna hear about it soon. We lost some good guys out there though." Epps uttered with a small sigh of sadness and she wore a sympathetic look before squeezing his arm comfortingly. According to Ratchet, who got all the details from Optimus, things went a little off script per se and a lot of human civilians saw them plus the decepticon. There were also, of course as Epps said, NEST casualties. She was glad she missed the memorial service for that. Clara had been to her fair share of military memorial services when her mom lost old friends whom she was close to as well. Funerals were not a place she liked to be, especially with her mother's condition. "See you got your normal fan club." He nodded to Bumblebee and Mirage who transformed, the latter with a little bit of stumble which made Epps frown.

"He's high, he ate a cannabis brownie in his holomatter form and because that's directly connected to his cybertronian form, it affects him." Clara bluntly explained to the man and Epps stared at her for a moment then looked from Mirage to her. Mirage stumbled slightly into Bumblebee and muttered a 'sorry' as the scout lightly shoved him away and buzzed at him disapprovingly. "I think he just did it for the fun of it, he does enjoy getting on mine and Optimus' nerves sometimes." She added with a mumble and Epps hummed in agreement. That was true of Mirage. It wasn't breaking the rules, it was testing the patience of others.

"How long this gonna last?" Epps lowly asked while gesturing to the young silver-blue autobot who was being held steady by the even younger scout.

"It's been a couple of hours, I think his body will metabolize it faster because he's much bigger so it'll be another half an hour or two." Clara informs him as she shakes her head at Mirage. Epps openly grimaced and ran a hand down his face. They'd just have to hope that Optimus or someone else didn't pay attention, Ratchet was definitely going to notice. "Hey, Bee. Keep an eye on him, please." She called to the yellow and black autobot who whirred in disappointment at having to babysit Mirage but nodded.

"Pfft...I don't need anyone to babysit me." Mirage scoffed and waved her off. He attempted to walk away but Bumblebee, being nibble as he is, stopped him. Clara shot Mirage a look to shut up while Bumblebee glared at the autobot.

"Come on, let's get over to the others." Epps nodded with a small smile, putting his arm around her shoulder as he led her further into the base where she spotted the others.

"Look who it is Skids, the queen of all spite, Doctor Grey." Mudflap hollered at the sight of Clara and Epps.

"Nah, she's more passive-aggressive, probably prefers queen of passive aggressiva or something." Skids joked with a screeching laugh that his twin mirrored. Clara rolled her eyes at the two and shook her head while Epps smirked amused. The twin's hope was that joking and sarcasm would get Clara to like them, but at the same time, Clara was less calming than Optimus could be when she wanted.

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