Chapter 27: One Step Closer.

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[Title: One Step Closer - grandson.]

Will had the common sense not to ride back with Clara and Optimus when the plane landed. He wasted no time and turned to the autobot sharpshooter and asked for a ride. Arcee, quickly reading the obvious situation, readily agreed while Ratchet and Ironhide rolled their optics. For an autobot big on weapons like Ironhide and a Lieutenant-Colonel in the military, they sure liked avoiding conflict. However, at the same Ratchet and Ironhide couldn't help but agree. The medical officer and the autobot weapons specialist decided they'd stay quiet and to themselves, with no chatter on the comms. Mirage watched Clara head over to Optimus who glanced down at her before transforming into his alt mode and opening his cabin door for her. She climbed into Optimus's cab and he drove off with Bumblebee at the lead of the group. Thankfully, unlike Mirage and Sideswipe, Dino and Bumblebee were pretty damn good at reading when there was unhappy tension, to say the least, between Clara and Optimus. They could tell when the two needed to talk something out. "Wha-what's going on? I was just about to talk to her." Sideswipe frowned confused when Arcee stepped up to Mirage and him.

"Couples things and kept secret ancient autobot ship fuel cell, let them talk." Arcee shortly stated before turning and walking away, transforming into her alt mode and driving off with Will riding with her while Ratchet, Dino, and Ironhide followed behind her. Mirage and Sideswipe shared a look as the former grimaced and nodded.

"She's right, man. No comms, no chatter. Let them talk. Optimus probably isn't too happy with the humans either right now." Mirage warned Sideswipe lowly and the younger bot winced but nodded. The two went quiet before following Arcee's lead and driving off after the others to base. However, Clara was not afraid to speak up to her partner while she sat in Optimus's cab as he sped down the road behind Bumblebee to the base.

"Look, I know you're not happy about what I did, you're pissed, I can tell but I think everyone forgets I'm not just a doctor. I'm an archeologist. That is an autobot archeological find we needed to keep safe." Clara blurted out as she began to ramble and Optimus remained quiet, letting her get her words out. "I can also handle myself and Shockwave was focused on you guys, I was fine." She finished with a heavy breath before there was silence. A silence that made her internally wince. She was not fond of that.

"Unhappy is only the beginning of how I feel." Optimus finally speaks with a deep sigh. Clara swallowed hard and pressed her lips together in a thin line. "I am frustrated with more than you but I am frustrated with you. We discussed this at length, Clara. After Egypt..." He started to say as he sighed.

"I know, but I have no intentions of having a repeat of Egypt. I told you everything Primus told me." She reminded him and there was a silence before Optimus suddenly veered off the road.

"Yo, Prime, what are you doing?" Mirage's voice broke through the comms confused.

"Is everything okay?" Bumblebee buzzed through the comms.

"Give us a moment." Optimus ordered as he drove into an abandoned warehouse.

"Okay..." the autobot spy trailed with a sigh.

"We'll wait for you both." Ratchet told them cooly before any of the other bots could say a word. Optimus came to a slow stop and opened his cab door for Clara who climbed out. He transformed and Clara watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a tired sigh.

"We can't drag this out, Optimus. I'm sorry for what I did, I never like causing you stress for my wellbeing." Clara apologized, her wide eyes and palms to her forehead. He didn't have to look at her to know her words were genuine, he could tell by her tone.

"I am supposed to protect you, Teddy." He stated and she looked at him in his optics.

"And I am supposed to look after you." She countered as she pointed to him and Optimus's chassis rumbled in displeasure at the reminder. He never liked that she was given that duty. "I have a duty as priestess that includes you..." Clara trails off while maintaining eye contact. She takes a deep breath before stepping closer to him and gesturing to him to kneel down. Optimus glances down for a moment and then kneels down, bringing his face close to her. "I'm okay and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you and you're not leaving me, okay?" She said with a soft whisper, bringing her small hand to his cheek plate.

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