Chapter 10: Lightning Crashes.

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The autobots had stopped for a little to allow Clara to get supplies to change the bandage on her hand before heading out. The doctor deciding to ride with Optimus this time around for the rest of this task. This was when Clara felt her anxiety rising with each mile that passed, the doctor picking at her cuticles to try and distract herself. The thought of what Optimus planned, she dread it. She didn't know what she could do to change it or change his mind. In the short time she'd gotten to know him, he was someone whose mind it was hard to change, especially since he was the self-sacrificing type. She cursed herself for not catching on that Optimus would try something like that, after everything he'd done for them already. Clara didn't want to imagine what it would be like if Optimus was gone, she'd already grown comfortable to the world with him in it. "It's not right." Clara suddenly said, shaking her head.

Optimus felt himself sigh, knowing exactly what the doctor would protest. "What is not right?" He calmly asked the woman, he understood why she protested but he knew he had to do this. There was no stopping him and a small part of him wished there would be an alternative if merely destroying the Allspark didn't work, but there wasn't.

"You shouldn't be the one to do it, Optimus. I already know how much you've sacrificed, Mirage told me." Clara sighed and Optimus went quiet. Mirage didn't know everything but he clearly told her enough. "There has to be another way if destroying the Allspark doesn't work, we can't just let you die." She insists strongly, determination heavy in her voice. She wasn't going to let this go, he could tell.

"Clara...there is no other choice. If we cannot destroy the Allspark, that is the only path we-I can take." Optimus tells her gently, even if she wouldn't let it go, he wanted to explain himself to her. "I understand you want to save my life, but sometimes the hard path means sacrifice. A life to save thousands of others, including your own." He softly says and Clara struggles to find what to say, she can't find the right words. The only thing she could think of was that it wasn't fair and Optimus wouldn't accept that reason. She knew that.

"I...losing you isn't an option anyone wants." She says with a quiet breath.

"You have lost many things and I can see you expect to lose more." Optimus sighed, he didn't want to hurt her with his words, but he saw now why she protested as she did. She'd grown to care for him and he admittedly had grown to care for her too. The thought of loss for her again was unimaginable. "You are no stranger to loss, neither am I." He confesses and Clara swallows hard as she goes silent. One day she will lose her mother, she knows that. "But what I will do is with no intention to hurt you, trust me." Optimus promises her, remorse lacing his tone at the hurt she would experience. He wouldn't be regretful of his choice, only the pain it would cause her and others. "It is my choice and mine alone." He says solemnly and Clara takes a deep breath. She couldn't continue arguing with him about this, she knew that. Unless a third choice came up, and she was beginning to doubt one would, this was the second choice. And Clara never liked taking choices away from others, especially ones like this. It wouldn't be fair to Optimus.

"And you don't want anyone to take that from you." Clara sighed deeply, glancing down at her hands in her lap.

"I am sorry." Optimus apologizes and Clara immediately shakes her head.

"You have no reason to apologize." She tells him honestly, now resigned to let Optimus make the choice he chose. Even if she didn't like it at all and her brain would attempt to rifle through any alternative. "I'm sorry." was the only thing Clara could say. Optimus didn't know how to respond and Clara's attention was quickly taken away when she spotted a familiar yellow and black Camaro on the other side of the highway. The Camaro being trailed by government vehicles behind him. "It's Bumblebee!" She exclaimed, relief washing over at the sight. She had no doubt in her mind Sam and Mikaela had to be with Bumblebee.

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