Chapter 12: The Heart of Life.

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[A/N: I've officially published Blue Monday, the knightverse/rebootverse story of Clara. Look for it on my profile! enjoy!]

"Congratulations, you all practically came out unscathed." Clara sarcastically remarked, holding three clipboards in her arms. Lennox had wasted no time getting her to the hospital and she got checked up first. They did the normal exam and gave her a CT to be safe. No concussion, no brain bleed or injury, luckily, but she did get stitches on the cut on her head. After that, she was right into her work. She grabbed a pair of light green scrubs and Lennox was her first patient. She checked out Lennox, Epps, and Sam, Mikaela was thankfully fine. The rest of the soldiers were looked after by other doctors and nurses. "And that's after falling off a building, Samuel." She quipped and the boy rolled his eyes.

"I came out better than some," Sam stated, his eyes moving to other victims of the attack who were on gurneys waiting or being led away to the ORs.

"Your parents will be relieved, your dad too." Clara nodded to Mikaela who smiled.

"He'll be upset at first but happy to see me." Mikaela chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"So, literally everyone who was in the thick of it fighting them got lucky," Mirage commented from where he stood in his holomatter avatar. The only ones besides Ratchet to have come into the hospital as such, Jazz and Ironhide weren't quite ready to interact as 'humans'. They both stayed back until Ratchet returned and helped fix Bumblebee, with Clara's help. Optimus...she hadn't seen him yet and Ratchet didn't say where he was.

"It seems to be the case." Ratchet hummed, talking about pure luck there. "But we do need to discuss your 'gifts', all of them, at some point." the oldest autobot gave her a stern look that reminded her of her mother.

"Don't worry, we will." Clara assured him with a small nod.

"Including the energon bit?" Mirage asked and both doctors nodded.

"Just...for the humans, make sure you sign your discharge papers." Clara gave Sam and Epps a pointed look, holding out the clipboards they took with a sigh. "Give Will his, Robert." She used his first name in a formal tone to make sure he listened. Epps nodded and muttered a yes while Mirage snickered quietly and Mikaela held back an amused smile.

"I got good news." the voice of Lennox interrupted, stepping into the triage room when Sam hopped off the bed with the clipboard in hand. "Your parents, Sam, they're on their way here. They're picking up your mom on the way, Clara." He informed them with a small smile, Clara and Sam looking at each other and laughing relieved.

"Okay, good, but I have surgery to go to. You are welcome in the OR gallery to watch my work." Clara beamed, giving Lennox a small thankful nod.

"I'm totally watching." Mirage raised his hand without hesitation.

"I am...curious." Ratchet admitted, he wanted to see how different human surgeons were to the equivalent of cybertronian ones such as him. "I would like to observe."

"Epps and I are gonna check on the rest of our guys and keep an eye out for your parents. Gotta talk with some superiors too." Lennox told her but smiled, clearly his version of good luck to the doctor.

"Great, see you guys soon. I'm gonna grab a coffee from the resident's lounge." Clara informed them, knowing she'd need the caffeine after the day she had to keep sharp. The others nodded before watching the doctor stride out of the triage room and down the hall to head upstairs.

"I cannot wait to hear what she says at that hearing next week." Epps piped up and the others shook their heads while Mirage snorted.

"We gotta go." Lennox gestured with his eyes to move and the two soldiers walked out of the room.

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