Chapter 13: Ruby Blue.

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Earth. Birthplace of the human race. A species much like our own. Capable of great compassion...and great violence. For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before. For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. Together, we form an alliance with the humans. A secret but brave squad of soldiers. A classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes, hiding in different countries around the globe.

Clara's dark eyes gazed through the tear as water pooled at her feet. Why did it seem like every version of herself suffered daily? She hadn't gotten a peek at the others, but she felt like it was the same for them. Each universe she looked at typically had the commonality of herself, Optimus, and Bumblebee being present in it. Or more accurately getting themselves pulled into the big and major events. Of course, her gifts were another thing too. Since Mission City, she hadn't gained anymore, but Primus and Alpha Trion never put a cap on how much she could gain. She was hoping she'd gain no more and she hadn't even asked if it was over. Ratchet did get his conversation regarding her gifts which boiled down to telepathy, energy reading (which is how she sensed cybertronian signals), her tears, vibration manipulation, and her connection with energon where she takes it. Well, more accurately, Ratchet said she seemed to not only take the energon from a being, but she could transfer it to another.

However, she couldn't take on too much because she was only half-cybertronian. And he had a working theory she might be able to tap that gift into other energies. "You know these talks have been far and few over the past couple of years. So, I'm alone in here most of the time, I assume." Clara cleared her throat, gaining the attention of the two entities within the limbo with her. "Is this it for my gifts? Like maybe they'll grow more, but tell me that's the last of what I can expect." She begged desperately, she couldn't stand the thought of having more. The doctor shut the tear she was peering through and turned around to face Primus and Alpha Trion.

"Clara, I cannot speak on that. My job with you these past years has not truly been your gifts as you know." Alpha Trion replies calmly to the woman who stood there with her arms now crossed.

"Yeah, I know. You're teaching me knowledge of Cybertron, knowledge of artifacts you knew about." Clara exhaled with a small nod and then pressed her lips together in a thin line. "You've taught me cybertronian language better than Mirage, even though the lexicon teaches me that anyway. Any chance on the ancient language of the Prime?" She cheekily asked and Alpha Trion's chassis rumbled with a small laugh. Ah, he couldn't help it. He had grown closer to his current student like he had Optimus once.

"I am sorry, that I am unable to teach you. Only a Prime may." Alpha Trion humbly apologizes.

"Damn shame, worth asking though." Clara let out a puff of air in disappointment.

"It is possible you can ask Optimus too, regardless of a...former action a year and a half ago." Alpha Trion gave her a knowing look that reminded her of a stern parent. Clara felt herself going red with embarrassment. She wasn't sure how he, Primus, and Mirage were the only ones to know, even Ratchet didn't know and he'd grown to be like a father figure to her. She confided in him a lot. Honestly with all of them. She'd grown close to all the bots, including the ones that arrived not too long ago.

"By Solus Prime. I think I'll pass on that for now." She groaned, running a hand down her face when she heard a chuckle echo from Primus. Her gaze turned to the god who stood before her. He no longer appeared as a disembodied voice as he once had, he looked like a cybertronian. Primus was larger than both Optimus and Alpha Trion, most of his body was a teal blue with black and silver on the front with some gold. His helm was gold and black, and his face silver, he had purple optics compared to the autobots and decepticons. According to Alpha Trion, their optics never truly decided what side they were, it was their insignia. Plenty of bots had red eyes and plenty of cons had blue. It was less important than she originally thought, or Mirage neglected to correct.

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