Chapter 20: Bigmouth Strikes Again.

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"Check this out. Project: Black Knife." the former agent said when he pulled out another file and opened it to reveal black-and-white pictures of old vehicles marked with the word 'classified' in bold red ink. "Robots. In disguise. Hiding here all along." Simmons told them while showing off some of the pictures to them and Clara pressed her lips together in a thin line, but she was interested. They'd take whatever they could. "We detected radioactive signatures all across the country. I pleaded on my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I...was...obsessed!" He nearly shouted and slammed his fist on the table while Clara tried not to laugh. "Me. Can you imagine that?" He questioned and Clara shared an awkward look with Mikaela. Obsessed wasn't even the tammest word to describe Simmons.

"And there he goes, proving to the world he's most definitely not obsessed." Clara mockingly stated which made Simmons shoot her a small glare.

"Yeah." Sam replies with a mutter and nod. "Megatron said that there was another Energon source here." He informed the former agent.

"On Earth."

"On Earth."

"Another source?" Simmons asks and Clara confirms his question with a nod.

"Okay? And that these symbols, the maps in my head, would lead him there." Sam said while pointing to his head before he gestured to Clara. "And he said Clara would give it to him, but then Clara said Primus said that we're the uh..." He trailed off and glanced at Clara, trying to recall what she had told them hours before.

"Sam was the door and the path and I was the key to the door." Clara recited to Simmons who stared at her. "My dreams were about the Fallen coming back he kept repeating these words over and over again, and then Megatron mentioned the energon source. I also had a strange dream or vision before I spoke with Primus, it's fuzzy and vague." She further explained to Simmons who smacked his lips and looked between them.

"You talked to your Autobot friends about this?" Simmons questioned them, he knew Clara mentioned talking to them about her dreams but that was it.

"No, no, no, the source is before them." Sam shakes his head and replies truthfully, the closest they got was Clara telling them these symbols were old even for cybertronians. "Whatever the Energon source is, it predates them. It's before them." He stated lowly and Clara nodded.

"Like I said, the symbols were ancient cybertronian so the source must be as old as it, if not older. It could predate them." Clara piped up and told Simmons who frowned.

"So it comes before them," Simmons states and Sam nods.


"Well, then we're porked, unless we can talk to a Decepticon." Simmons tells them and Clara slowly looks at Mikaela, the girls sharing a look. There was that tiny tin mini-con in that metal box Mikaela had been dragging around. "I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them." He chuckled at the idea, he believed it was impossible. Even if they had a person in the room that could literally invade minds. No, if there was anything he learned so far about Clara, she didn't like using that unless she absolutely had to.

"Mikaela, honey...wanna share with the class?" Clara sucked in a breath and gestured to everyone in the room as the brunette cleared her throat.

"Actually, I am." Mikaela revealed to the others who looked at her surprised, minus Clara. "We'll be right back." She told them and nudged Sam to follow her. Clara watched the two of them head up the ladder to grab the boxed-up mini-con sitting in Bumblebee's trunk while Simmons turned to Clara curiously.

"You said you had a dream or vision before you spoke with Primus?"

Clara looked at the former agent and took a deep breath before she nodded. "Yeah, up until then it was just warnings about the Fallen and he recited 'The Fallen shall rise again as the Prime's line dies and the Priestess cries in sacrifice. Suffering. Death.'" She told him and Simmons rubbed his chin in thought while Leo looked at her with a frown. "What I saw yesterday before speaking to Primus it a flash, I heard strange voices, I saw these strange figures, and I saw flashes of those symbols. Then I saw..." Clara started to explain but trailed off when something flickered in her mind.

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